Politics 2024 General Election Thread

Started by Enigma, Apr 28, 2020, in Life Add to Reading List

Who did you/are you voting for?

Poll closed Nov 4, 2020.
  1. Joe Biden

  2. Donald Trump

  3. Third Party

  4. Abstaining

  5. Not a US Citizen, but would vote Biden

  6. Not a US Citizen, but would vote Trump

  7. Not a US Citizen, but would vote third party or abstain

  1. WPG
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    WPG sxn80 Rory Gilmore

    May 1, 2020
    why are u being so hostile i'm just worried about our beloved uncle joe :emoji_slight_frown:
    Jun 16, 2024
  2. lil uzi vert stan
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    May 1, 2020
    I’m not lol the twitter left is just scheming to watch the guy fail, actively rooting against him. I care about this country and its citizens so that upsets me
    Jun 16, 2024
  3. RetiredAccount
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    RetiredAccount Big Time Stuntin Like My Daddy

    May 1, 2020
    “My candidate is infallible just because I like him better than the other guy”
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    Jun 16, 2024
  4. RetiredAccount
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    RetiredAccount Big Time Stuntin Like My Daddy

    May 1, 2020
    FYI i plan to support Biden but shutting down any discussion of his flaws and preaching blinding support is no better than Trumps base
    M Solo and Sign Language like this.
    M Solo and Sign Language like this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  5. WPG
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    WPG sxn80 Rory Gilmore

    May 1, 2020
    man i'm not sure why you're so hostile, so blindly loyal to your candidate... you should try caring first and foremost about nominating someone who can beat donald trump, like i do!
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    Ordinary Joel, DKC, Zeugma and 2 others like this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  6. lil uzi vert stan
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    May 2, 2020
    Have you looked at the polls? Bernie...didn’t have a path to victory. Biden could flip Florida and Arizona! The fact is - and you don’t have to be a biden Stan to grasp this - these allegations are being largely being peddled by the left. Self defeating. And I’m not not being hostile, it’s just you’ve being smug about biden for months and it’s indicative of how the twitter left is trying to undercut his campaign to prove some selfish point

    And foh with “blind loyalty” troll you’re a bernie bro lol.

    This is a dumb take. The Bernie progressive camp has been built on blind loyalty not Biden’s. Do you guys actually follow this stuff lol
    0 0
    Jun 16, 2024
  7. JMG
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    May 2, 2020
    People need to ask themselves if they are happy with how their lives are going. If so why take a risk in someone like Biden trying to adapt to the new socialist movement. It would be big changes. I'd like to hear someone here who was negatively affected by Trump in the last 4 years. I dont wanna hear that his words hurt you either cuz I will find a way to neg you.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  8. WPG
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    WPG sxn80 Rory Gilmore

    May 2, 2020
    nobody thinks bernie is going to be the nominee andy, i just would like some functioning human being at the helm so that trump doesn't get re-elected. join me in this cause!
    sincere question: do you think current polling, from 6+ months out, is going to be anything but a distant dream of a best-case scenario by the time we get closer to election day? biden has warm associations for a lot of people that are not necessarily going to hold up under the scrutiny of a general election. combine that w what's likely to be lower-than-normal turnout...
    sour grapes, weird, totally unquantifiable and unverifiable. like everyone else, i can't say w certainty that the reade accusations are true, but there are enough ways in which they seem credible that they at least merit some discussion, or at least give a moment of pause to his supporters –– rather than the shrill biden cultists who have spent the last six weeks online screaming about the kremlin and #IBelieveJoe. you ppl were trying to get chris hayes fired for mentioning a sexual assault allegation by a presidential nominee's former staffer on a nightly news program. embarrassing!
    what if you swapped out "to prove some selfish point" with "to ensure a democrat wins in november."
    M Solo, RetiredAccount and Zeugma like this.
    M Solo, RetiredAccount and Zeugma like this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  9. Michael Myers
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    Michael Myers Moderator

    May 2, 2020
    I heard on the radio trumps only real comptition is bein charged or accused of being a r--ist lol its true?
    0 0
    Jun 16, 2024
  10. RetiredAccount
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    RetiredAccount Big Time Stuntin Like My Daddy

    May 2, 2020
    He’s accused of sexual impropriety and assault, not full blown r---. And to be fair, what Biden is accused of doing is what Trump bragged on tape about. That being said I’d nominally prefer a candidate with no question of them being a sexual predator
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    Michael Myers likes this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  11. RetiredAccount
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    RetiredAccount Big Time Stuntin Like My Daddy

    May 2, 2020
    That take was a direct observation of your behavior in this thread lol. You are essentially to Biden what a MAGA hat wearer is to Trump. Even using the same rhetoric and claiming that potentially credible allegations are invalid because they are being “peddled by the left”. You are probably worried by the same defeatist mentality Hillary had that leads her to blame Bernie for her loss when the truth is she was overly confident and did not focus enough on rust belt states that had a real chance to swing.

    there’s nothing wrong with you discussing the merits of a progressive voting for Biden to help defeat Trump. But instead you are whining about some alleged widespread conspiracy on the left to undermine Biden and essentially demanding they vote for him. It’s okay for people to have valid criticism of a candidate. Joe Biden IS certainly having a mental decline. There are potentially credible sexual assault allegations made against him. Discussing these isn’t an endorsement of Trump, but blindly ignoring these and demanding people support him is eerily Trump-like.
    Ordinary Joel, M Solo and Zeugma like this.
    Ordinary Joel, M Solo and Zeugma like this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  12. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 2, 2020
    Looking at it from a purely political perspective, even if the accusation is true, people/voters won’t really care. That’s the sad reality of it. Donald Trump was accused of sexual misconduct by over a dozen women—including one of his ex wives. People just don’t care.
    Michael Myers likes this.
    Michael Myers likes this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  13. RetiredAccount
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    RetiredAccount Big Time Stuntin Like My Daddy

    May 2, 2020
    Yeah like I said above, what Biden is accused of doing, Trump bragged about doing on the Access Hollywood tape. It won’t make a difference, which is unfortunate but timely I suppose.
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    Enigma likes this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  14. WPG
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    WPG sxn80 Rory Gilmore

    May 2, 2020
    look at the big brain on grimace!
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    Jun 16, 2024
  15. Michael Myers
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    Michael Myers Moderator

    May 2, 2020
    Yeah @Grimace @Enigma that's what I meant. You either have a creep and moron or a r--ist (worst case scenario). So basically its choosing between s--- and crap, sadly. And yes some people insert antibacterial s--- in their bodies because donnie said 'hey it might not work but maybe it does!!' so it doesn't surprise me unfortunateluly
    RetiredAccount likes this.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  16. RetiredAccount
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    RetiredAccount Big Time Stuntin Like My Daddy

    May 2, 2020
    is that supposed to be a slight?
    0 0
    Jun 16, 2024
  17. WPG
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    WPG sxn80 Rory Gilmore

    May 2, 2020
    no, i’m pulling for you!
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    Jun 16, 2024
  18. M Solo
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    M Solo Fresh Outta London

    May 2, 2020
    Not going to lie it's crossed my mind that @cpt awesome WPG joint acc is doing that intentionally and this is some kind of weird troll that is going over my head.
    Last edited: May 3, 2020
    Zeugma, WPG, Guma and 1 other person like this.
    Zeugma, WPG, Guma and 1 other person like this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  19. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 2, 2020

    Jun 16, 2024
  20. lil uzi vert stan
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    May 4, 2020
    pls listen to this as u read my post

    I think that's fair to a point, but you said that about polling six months ago. Like Trump in 2016, Biden's leads have ...turned into wins. And it's more verifiable than your dreamland scenario for Bernie. He... would have lost. Biden at least has a shot to overturn 3-5 states we need to win. But right now you're seeing a weird bedfellows of elitist opinion writers, Bernie bros and MAGA types trying to concoct a narrative against him - that's what will change the polls, not this bs about his neurology. Log off Twitter! See this for what's going on!

    FOH, you're a Bernie bro. pot/kettle. And please, do we even need to go into the reasons why Tara Reade is full of s---? Isn't it obvious?

    Are you just throwing out words here? was this a draft on your iphone you accidentally clicked Send on?

    You people? I don't engage in these self righteous online games, certainly not on Twitter. If anyone has the underdog mentality of a teenager at a punk show - Yeah, F The Man! - it isn't me.

    But, to engage with your rude point, f--- Chris Hayes and members of broadcast/mainstream press for taking the bait on this. It's Benghazi/But Her Emails sliced with a facile comparison to the SCOTUS /Ford debacle. I don't watch MSNBC and think most of these talking heads are cancerous, so doesn't bother me to see their pandering to the base, which sows divisions and accomplishes little else, get pushed back on.

    So is the goal here to make Biden drop out and let [Bernie} be the nominee? What are you implying? BC I've gone over polls, I've explained the methodology . You just said Bernie isnt going to reemerge so what is all this supreme confidence of their own righteousness and bidens guilt going to truly achieve? You make it sound like this is a reasoned discussion - it isn't. You're eating your own tail justifying this type of party self-sabotage.

    I know, that's why I said it was dumb lol.
    THEY ARE! Again, do you follow this stuff? Do you know who Katie Halper is? Ryan Grim and other activist-journalists are being accused of coaching witnesses dude.

    There's a bunch of reasons why Hillary lost as you allude. However, you're wrong to think Bernie calling her corrupt for months had no impact.

    Look, if you have genuine good faith arguments against biden on policy, fine. @WPG and his cohorts have (mostly) admirable goals, but I - and millions others - simply don't see them as plausible currently or politically approrpiate for this specific moment in time. That's a genuine, valid point of contention. There's a number of ways to skin a cat. Only a sith speaks in absolutes. But I object to this incessant drumbeat of character assassination. Biden's corrupt, he's senile (how do you know? talk about cosplaying MAGA you guys are sleuthing YouTube videos lol), he's a r--ist. And again, both sides online are doing this. If me objecting to constant, insidious mudslinging - that will only lead to trump's reelection - is "blind loyalty" then guilty. And please - I don't care who you vote for lol you live in Mass.

    I've already address why this is wrong, and the comparisons between Bernie and Trump's similar approaches have been discussed previously. Again, I'm not demanding anything - the primary is effectively over. This is being peddled as a longshot to drive Biden out of the nomination. That's.... not a conspiracy lol. You might find it hard to believe but people in politics tend to play politics.

    Like guys I know this is all internet veneer - and I mean this in the most affectionate, paternal way possible - but you're allowed to be wrong/not an opinion on something! its ok!

    Sad but true.

    Nah lol I mean this is an Eminem forum where the bar for real discourse is exceptionally low. But I am genuinely frustrated by the overall discourse out there.

    If this backfires on Biden I will eat crow.
    Last edited: May 4, 2020
    Jun 16, 2024
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