Boxing/MMA Adrien Broner Say's he'll beat Mayweather's a---, Will Vote For Trump, Throwing Money at Walmart

Started by trendsettaz, May 4, 2016, in Sports Add to Reading List

  1. trendsettaz
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    Location: New York, NY

    May 4, 2016

    - Did he get robbed in New York?
    - Rick Ross teaching him the business and wants him to be successful.
    - Why did he throw the money in Walmart?
    - Why he supports Donald Trump?
    - Why is he on Instagram acting like a rapper holding guns?
    - He needs protection in Cincinnati so he needs to have guns.
    - Why did he weight in heavy for his last fight?
    - He has outgrown the weight class and is going up in weight.
    - He didn't need a co-sign from Floyd, he was already world champion in 3 world classes by the time he met him.
    - He's not as rich as Floyd but certainly not broke.
    - Why did he lose to Marcos Maidana?
    - Does he regret turning down $40 mil from Roc Nation
    - Why did he never sign with TMT?
    - What's his relationship with Bob Arum?
    - He has outgrown his city, he has to move out of Cincinnati and leave the street life behind. - He does not regret anything.
    - It's time to stop all of the wildstuff and focus on boxing
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  2. Poohdini
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    Poohdini MVP MVP

    May 4, 2016
    Mans putting in OT trying to get that payday from Floyd.
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    Jun 17, 2024
  3. Chad Warden
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    Chad Warden As Ballin As Possible

    May 4, 2016
    Broner 4 VP
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