Film Backlash for Actors/Actresses Playing Certain Roles

Started by The Product, Feb 23, 2021, in Entertainment Add to Reading List

  1. Detroit24
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    Feb 23, 2021
    i agree with your perspective. The whole system is flawed. But that’s with every part of society. All I meant is be in control of what you can control. So hard work is necessary for you to get the best out of your situation. People are dealt with some bad hands early in life and others during life. You can’t control a lot in this world but you can control your work ethic and what you can do to be the best you can be. Life is hard and we don’t get everything we work for. I know, I haven’t. I can’t be disappointed with what other think if I know I did the best and put it out to the universe.

    I have to be satisfied with my performance, hard work, dedication. If others don’t give me an opportunity that’s on them. In the movie industry, happens all the time. People go on these auditions and all they can do is the best they can do. Now the directors, producers, distributors have their perspective. Which you can’t control. Their perspectives are based off of their experience or image/vision of who should play this role

    I am all about being progressive and moving forward. Just remember life is not fair, at any time during civilization. Nothing is ever perfect in this world. Even in the future there will always be criticism and not ever person gets to “succeed” or to make it to the top. The institutes that we have built within capitalism makes it that way.

    It’s great when Hollywood gives someone new an opportunity. Especially when they are talented. They deserve it. But the common formula in Hollywood is still $$$. If a trans actor or disabled actor can make the big companies $$$ then they will be getting the part. The problem is who holds the keys to give the opportunity. They are pressured to make $$$, shareholders pressure to beat quarterly earnings, therefore they go with a safer bet and known actor then going with a wildcard that may or may not work, Businesses do not like risk. Movies are big business.

    Nepotism/Politics happens everywhere. In this world, who you know is just as important as what you know. It can open doors and give you opportunities that others can’t get. Happens In all industries...that’s life.

    The system is messed up and it will never be perfect for everyone in my opinion
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    Jun 17, 2024
  2. Detroit24
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    Feb 24, 2021
    I definitely see your point @Ordinary Joel through your experiences and eyes I can easily justify how you feel and how unfair that would be. Great post, I enjoyed reading it. Not getting the opportunity is a huge issue, and just that inclusion would mean a lot to an entire community.

    there are so many variables when dissecting this issue. You are absolutely right to say for change to happen it has to be a person in a position of power such as a producer or Bryan Cranston...the issue is most people look at it from their own perspective and judge the world through their own experiences...therefore if they never experienced what you have, then it is really hard to relate.

    Everyone deserves an opportunity. Especially in a country such as the USA, Hollywood has the capabilities to do something that would mean so much to so many.

    I wish I could be optimistic but I am very pessimistic on how the world works...$$$, power, greed, jealousy, stealing, taking advantage of others, violence envy, hatred, anger, etc...

    that’s why I try to look at what you can control and be optimistic with your abilities and what you can bring to the table, do your best at all times. stoicism is great philosophy in my opinion.

    opportunities can only be giving be people in power.

    on a side note
    Homosexuality has been around forever. Kings would have their men in Europe etc...religion took sexuality and made it forward to now...successfully gay people everywhere...even if they are in closet...because of society...

    every community deserves a voice and has the ability to have a voice
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    Jun 17, 2024
  3. Detroit24
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    Feb 24, 2021
    I never watched the American version with Bryan Cranston and Kevin hart but the original from France was an amazing movie

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    Jun 17, 2024