Film Blackkklansman is fantastic

Started by Bourbon Ben, Aug 12, 2018, in Entertainment Add to Reading List

  1. Tone Riggz
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    Tone Riggz There's No Cure For Being A C*nt

    Aug 18, 2018
    Saw the film. I liked it for the most part. Some of it was a bit cringey like when they were on the bridge running down different Blaxploitation films with the posters popping up. Or the sting at the bar towards the end. But the actors all did well especially Washington, Topher, Jasper and Driver. The film had a decent amount of humor to break up the seriousness. I think it's a good addition to this Summer's socially conscious films (Sorry To Bother You and Blindspotting). And while Blindspotting was mostly critical of the police, I think Blackkksman's approach is interesting because it does criticize but also tries to find some common ground.

    To Boots point, that Blue Wall of Silence wouldn't have allowed for an operation like the bar scene especially by a Black cop in the 70s. I don't know to what extent Ron was going undercover at Black rallies. He's right about Cointelpro but to what extent was Ron in on that? I don't know. To what extent did he infiltrate the KKK? I don't know, I've never read the book. But this is a film and from my understanding "Based on a true story" means some stuff is getting cut out and some stuff is being added in. The reality is cops are necessary in a civilized socoety and working with them is necessary. Getting through the Blue Wall of Silence is imperative. But accomplishing that by hating them all won't work. Nobody benefits from police brutality. The victims and their families are harmed/killed, the police look bad to the community and are subsequently trusted less, the city has to pay out money to the victims. Race relations continue to decline. While Boots is right about what he's saying, I think Spike's overall message of dialogue and getting through the Blue Wall is important. Boots is saying Spike did this for a check? I don't know if the NYPD would cut Spike a check of that amount to make a movie criticizing the Blue Wall of Silence and racist cops. I think some expected the stereotypical "Spike hates all cops and White people" movie and they didn't get that, whether for good or bad reasons.
    Ordinary Joel, TimmyT and Twan like this.
    Ordinary Joel, TimmyT and Twan like this.
    Jun 17, 2024