HS/Sports Stories

Started by Medici, Mar 16, 2015, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. Medici
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    Medici comin' for the top dollah

    Mar 16, 2015
    High school & sports provides the content for some of the greatest stories/memories of your life. Anybody got some good ones? I thought of this topic while replying to S80 injury report so I will start off my story that I caught myself typing 1400 words to while being on this adderall. So sorry if it's long I will put a TL:DR in the front.

    TL:DR: Cut eye open from laptop power cord. Broke my shin in baseball on some bs. Was complete b---- sr yr of HS and got f----- up by the football gods.

    - I got swung on with a laptop charging cord and the power supply box on the cord got me right in the eye. This was in the middle of my high school chemistry class sophomore year. Bleeding everywhere and got some kleenex to cover that s--- up. After class went to nurse and got a couple stitches.

    - Baseball when I was 14 I was pitching and got line drive back at me and it cracked my left shin (still made the play). Came up to hit next inning and fouled a ball off the same exact spot I got nailed while I was pitching. Ain't gonna lie I was down crying like a b---- for a couple seconds but I don't think anyone saw. Got up, on a 1-2 hit a double. Ended up pitching complete game, 0 runs, 3 hits no BBs. Was a triple header that day because of a tourney (was on Sunday so championship weekend) and this was the first game. Second game I was playing short and again fouled a f---ing ball off my shin but not in same exact spot... little higher. Safe to say I was beat up... Ended up winning that game. Third game was semi-championship game and we were winning 9-1 in the bottom of the 7th (only 7 inning games). They take me out of short because they wanted to save me for pitching championship game & they could tell my shin was f----- up... Put in a new pitcher for 7th and he ends up giving up 7 runs with 2 outs. Runners on 2nd and 3rd and kid pops up to shallow left center and shortstop has a play on it. He didn't turn around and run after it (I would have made this f---ing play) and ball drops and 2 runs score and they end up winning 10-9 for semi-championships. They ended up winning the tourney b/c the other team had no more pitchers left SMH. Anyways after this f----- up day, I found out my shin was broken and there was an indent in my shin clear as day like a little skateboard ramp in the front center of my shin.

    - Senior year football 1st game of the season against a team that is f---ing stacked and full of men and I throw INT 3rd quarter. Dude's running down his own sideline and I'm only one between him and pick six. I take a bad angle dive for his ankles to trip him up arms extended. Land on my left side and feel my neck pop/crack like f---. Missed the kid btw also. Stay down for a bit b/c I know something happened but I don't feel anything. I get up and start doing arm circles with my left cause it feels tight while I'm trotting to the sideline. Mind you i'm flinging this b---- in circles so I can get it back normal lol. I go to our sidelines to see trainer while PAT team is setting up and doing their thing. Seems fine, getting a little tighter but I can still move it and everything & i'm tossing on the sideline to keep it loose. Well I stopped & waited a couple mins before our offense was back up and right as I was about to go out on the field I tried moving my left arm. Sharpest pain flooded and resonated through my whole torso up to my neck. Just like what the f---. Sit out rest of game icing this b----. Can't take my pads off at all. Finally get them off when we got back to the school and there's a lump on my collarbone the size of in-between a golf ball & tennis ball. Got a massage & some head though after so it wasn't that bad:idk:. But I go to doctor next day for some X-rays and the left side of my collarbone is completely compounded, the side closest to my neck is up and the other side closest to my shoulder is down. Dude tells me I'm done for season & i'm sawdier than a MF. Tell this dude f--- that I'm gonna play atleast one more time this season this my senior f---in year & i'm trying to get some looks (first year starting qb too after playing backseat to the pos freshmen-junior year b/c of seniority). I don't care what I have to do to get that dr note to play. So I proceeded to lie about that s--- for the next 6 weeks playing it off like I was cool & getting better & getting in as many reps as they'd let me in practice.

    We got about a 9 week season and dr said about 12 weeks to heal. I make it back by 6th game still pretty banged up. Trainer makes special padding for my shoulder and i'm like cool let's get it now. By this time I'm trading plays with the jr. qb even though I'm better than this fool (faster, more athletic, better arm but he's a better original pocket passer). He ain't doing s--- for our offense and games tied with about 6 mins left in half. We on their 30, got a run play drawn up for me, just a nice little zone read draw and I pull it & go left side just outside the tackle. Start going west/east and make the cut north, juke the safety waiting on me, dusted the couple LBs chasing me. Get to the zone, start slowing up, leaning back on my heels, widening my feet' posture, take a little quick hop to turn around back towards the sidelines... POP. Land on my ankle with my right foot horizontal to the ground and ankle/leg vertical. Full weight falls on this s---, it snaps and my foot gives and I drop to my knee. Get up so f---ing quick to play this s--- off and start jogging towards the sideline with every ounce of strength in me to not limp while I'm doing it. I'm praying to the 6 god that no one saw me do this dumb a--- s---. (Asked my then-gf & others if they saw and they didn't even know I scored or that I was hurt[typical] so that was kinda good). I've sprained my ankle dozens and dozens of times (weak ankles, trampoline as child) so I know I can just walk this off and it'll be alright eventually but I start to realize that this s--- is just getting worse and I start to feel my shoe and sock getting so d--- tight on my foot.

    I get to the sideline with barely a limp, I played it off well, head to trainer to get wrapped up. He tries to start taking my shoe off and I'm just like NIKKA CHILL & almost kick him in the face. This b---- was SORE. Takes sock off & swear from my toes to lower part of my shin is straight fat man cankle swoll. Thought it was the hulk coming out me, but it was actually the b----. Trainer at this point looks at it, makes the Smokey face, and's like "DAAAAAMN". I told him shut up and wrap the b---- (me & trainer tight, obviously have a nice history of injuries so we have some middle ground). So its wrapped up and I go to take some jogs on the sidelines and I can't even walk on this b---- let alone run. Didn't go back to dr for any X-rays or anything b/c I was just there for my collarbone so I'm just saying I'mma let this b---- heal on its own. BTW this game was our homecoming game so our homecoming dance & party was the next day.

    So i'm icing & resting this b---- that night at a party and it's just getting more swollen and bruising like a b----. By this point my whole ankle is dark purple/indigo and it's seeping to the bottom of my heel.. never seen this before. Homecoming next day I got myself a nice lil wooden p---- cane & I'm dancing like a black granddaddy just groovin on it and s--- and just like f--- it I ain't gonna be no b---- and not participate. After dance & at homecoming after party and I look at this s--- and #1: my whole foot from toes to lower shin is BLACK #2: I got some bear toes, can't tell these MFers apart #3: I can't fit my foot back in my d--- shoe. Literally looks like this s--- needs to be amputated on some Saving Private Ryan s---. But I just keep drinkin & smokin & that's pretty much the end of the story. Never got it checked out and that was my last high school football game of my life. Ended career with a TD & an immediate broken ankle. WHY GOD?
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
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