Gaming Official Nintendo Switch Thread [SXN80 FCs in OP]

Started by BryanFlambe, Oct 19, 2016, in Entertainment Add to Reading List

  1. theg
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    theg got that pma

    Jan 12, 2017
    this is an absolute mess :lmaooo:
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  2. Rootbeer
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    Jan 13, 2017
    It really was.
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  3. wack_rhymes
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    Jan 13, 2017
    Super Mario Odyssey looks incredible, as does Breath of the Wild.

    Literally nothing else going for that presentation though. Hated the controller explaining segments that treated us like infants who have never held anything
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  4. icecube
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    icecube West Coast is the Best Coast

    Jan 13, 2017
    Er, that's exactly what he said...?
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  5. Proto
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    Proto drippin so pretty

    Jan 13, 2017
    looks s---

    odyssey looks cool though
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  6. Clive
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    Clive Mind Over Matter And Soul Before Flesh

    Jan 14, 2017
    I must be in the minority because I thought it was brilliant. The ability to have easy access to the system is great.

    1) The dock stores the system and allows for HDMI connection to the tv. Which then you can do couch play.
    2) The tablet itself can be used as a stand still screen if you're on the go. The stand would raise the screen for you if you're doing portable multiplayer play.
    3) The joy con's connecting on the side allow for portable single gameplay. There are so many times I'd want to play my Wii U but the room it's in is being occupied. So I grab it to go play on the gamepad as portable however, I'm out of range from the system and can't play. Unlike here you can play it where ever and can use wifi of local access for online play.

    One negative that my friend and I were discussing was that the joy con's do look a bit small. It's excellent that you essentially get 2 controllers that come with it. However, they do look a bit small. Possible using having a pro controller as a second for someone during couch play might be best (as player 1 can use both joy con's and the joy con grip).

    EDIT: Another thing I'm wondering is if you can do 4 player local multiplayer. Judging by the presentation it didn't touch on this. We've had this ability for N64, Gamecube, Wii and Wii U but it looks like here you might need to have 2 systems to play 4 player local multiplayer. I could very well be wrong. I know for sure you could have 3 players playing right away with 2 using the joy con's and 1 using a pro controller (or I'm assuming this) so more information on this would be good to know.

    I fell asleep watching the presentation late last night (no not because it was boring or uninteresting lol I was exhausted). But plan to finish it shortly. Those were the things I gathered from watching.

    I really wanted Breath of the Wild (for Wii U) but I might actually have to start putting some money aside and get the Switch . My only fear with Nintendo systems are the amount of games out. Then again, I didn't think I would play my Wii U much and I've actually logged hundreds of hours with the 8-10 or so games that I own.

    Mario Odyssey looks intriguing and of course Zelda: Breath Of The Wild is awesome. I do have Mario Kart 8 and LOVE it. However, I could see myself double dipping for Mario Kart 8: Deluxe for the extra modes (Classic battle mode is back), characters and mechanics (ability to hold 2 items at a time).

    A bit long winded so Tl; DR - I think it's brilliant and I'm very intrigued about it. I might have to get one.
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  7. Stone_Cold
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    Jan 14, 2017
    pre ordered mine today. obviously for zelda. but i really want that sonic game as well. im a retro gamer (i collect them) and bringing it back to the old sonic was an amazing move imo

    one thing though. what the f--- is the deal where you pay for nintendos online services much like you do xbox or playstation and getting the free nes/snes game FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. you cant have a library like the competition? awful move.
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    Jun 17, 2024
  8. AK47Slim
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    Jan 15, 2017
    This is going to be another flop although I dont want it to be & if it is a flop consoles are just going to go out the door. Sales for this gen arer nowhere near as close as before minus the ps4 dominating. I'll just get the new zelda game for the wii u & wait about 2 yrs before getting the switch
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    Jun 17, 2024
  9. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    Jan 15, 2017
    again...Nintendo showing they are both behind the times both figuratively in their marketing and literally
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  10. GCasper
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    Jan 15, 2017
    I watched some reviews of people testing it out. Someone was saying Zelda was almost identical to the Wii U version...WTF??? I would think this console would bring a whole new feeling and experience to a game. Why even upgrade then? I feel like it's going to be a failure. 2 1/2 hours battery life? GTFOH.

    I also feel like since it's going to be a mobile device as well, it's going to experience the same issues phones and tables have. People (kids) are going to drop them and break them or get wet etc....If I ever bought one, it would never leave the dock.

    Also, on some of the review videos I watched, a lot of the games looked like Wii games with motion controls and what not. Although they are pretty cool, they get boring old and repetitive very fast, but that's kind of all games. I just don't see how this console is going to help them out compared to Xbox and PS4. I also saw that there's going to be a $50 online subscription too. Which is bs for Nintendo. To me, you need to prove your online service and content is legit before starting to charge for it. That alone will keep me from buying it. If Nintendo wants to be competitive, they need a free online service. Some people might buy the console over a XBOX or PS4 just for that reason. Doesn't take a genius marketer to figure that out.
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  11. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Jan 15, 2017
    bro, wtf, odyssey and BOTW look great, but im reading reports all over that the switch is locked to 30 fps and doesn't have 1080p????

    also every other game that wasn't odyssey or BOTW, was literally gimmick: the game.
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  12. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Jan 15, 2017
    Australian prices
    Xbox One S + 2 games = $399
    ps4 + 2 games = $438
    Switch JUST the console= $469.95

    Switch a flop in Australia already.
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  13. Clive
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    Clive Mind Over Matter And Soul Before Flesh

    Jan 15, 2017
    BOTW will be 1080p on Switch but 720p on the Wii U.

    That price would be expected though as the X-Box One and PS4 both launched in 2013. I'm aware the X-Box S is an upgrade in hard drive space but that's mainly why they're packaged with games.

    I got some reward dollars sitting around as I was going to spend them on Wii U's Zelda but I might just try and get the Switch on launch or shortly after.
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  14. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Jan 15, 2017
    whew thank f--- for that. is it true the consoles locked to 30fps tho?

    Aussie market wont care man. all they're gonna see is xbox, ps4 and switch, then pick the cheapest/best value for money/best overall console in terms of hardware.

    hardware on both xbone/ps4 are a lot more powerful and the consoles are cheaper. the only technology that the switch has better than the ps4/xbone is the cartridges as they've now surpassed discs in terms of data storage. Not to mention the ps4 pro and xbone scorpio or whatever the f--- their equivalent is called, were just released before christmas - everyone already has a new "better" console already, casuals aren't gonna buy the switch. Switch will get a mid year price cut in Aus to probably like $300 cause it wont sell.
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  15. theg
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    theg got that pma

    Jan 15, 2017
    BOTW is 720p on the switch in handheld mode and 900p upscaled to 1080 when plugged in, both apparently at 30fps with some dips when theres lots of alpha effects on screen

    mario kart 8 is rock solid 60fps, 720 on mobile 1080 docked

    idk about any other games
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    Jun 17, 2024
  16. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Jan 15, 2017
    "the greatest zelda game of all time"
    900p upscaled to 1080 @ 30fps

    mario kart 8 sounds good but
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  17. theg
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    theg got that pma

    Jan 15, 2017
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  18. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Jan 15, 2017
    :weebey: that's f---ing beautiful i'm not sure if 4k will work well on my PC but i'm gonna check cemu out if i can play wii u games. did not know that. would a ps4 controller work well with cemu/wii u games u reckon?
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    Jun 17, 2024
  19. theg
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    theg got that pma

    Jan 15, 2017
    no idea, i think sometimes you need to use the mouse for motion/touch screen s---. never used it myself cause i have a wii u and i hacked it so i just pirate any game that's interesting to me anyway so i really have no idea
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    Jun 17, 2024
  20. Clive
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    Clive Mind Over Matter And Soul Before Flesh

    Jan 15, 2017
    Not sure about the 30 fps lock. But I'd assume it's most likely true. The console was rumoured to be more powerful than a PS3 and X-Box 360 and on par with PS4/X-Box One. However, we're already seeing those systems branch to expansions (The Pro & the S) to get to 60 FPS and the possibility of 4K graphics. So my guess is yeah 30 FPS lock is most likely.

    I don't disagree with you in terms of the system and price. The main reason Nintendo has done so poorly are a few factors:

    1) Lack of 3rd party support. The Gamecube was the last system that really had 3rd party support and even then PS2 and X-Box were getting similar games compared to the Gamecube. The Wii lacks that 3rd party support and the Wii U. Now, call me crazy but I prefer Nintendo's exclusives over PS4. There's just something about Nintendo that makes their exclusives so good.

    2) Games - (See number 1) the lack of availability of games hurts the system. The exclusives are amazing but outside of those, I don't think I own a 3rd party support game for my Wii or Wii U.

    3) Online capabilities/Network - PS3 was free, PS4 is paid but gives you PS Plus deals of games that are "free" for you to download as long as you have a membership. That being said PS Plus still does give you a reduction on games you'd like to purchase to keep. Nintendo's online is pretty meh, Mario Kart 8 worked well where I could hop into a room with strangers and race. But a lack of games puts a lack of support for online. As well why the h--- do I have to keep purchasing my Virtual Console games? I can't have my Super Mario World from Wii roll over to Wii U? I mean I love Super Mario World but if I have to pay AGAIN for it on Switch....Got d--- b---- I am not a teen choice!

    I find the system very innovative and will keep you guys updated if I do end up getting one. I do know that you @Coco had said every game was basically "The game" gimmick which I agree. But at the same time they need to do that to show off why you want the Switch. PS4 and X-Box basically only really had graphics and online play to go off of. Switch has to show off games that utilize all their tools. Of the trailer I saw I was interested in quite a few. I could easily see myself owning these titles in the first year:

    Zelda: BotW
    Mario Odyssey
    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (f--- it, it's one of my fave Wii U Games).
    Splatoon 2 (never played the original).
    Arms looked pretty interesting as a pre game drinking before heading out hahaha.
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    Jun 17, 2024