NFL Best Posts: 2018 NFL Pick Ems: Week 7

  1. TimmyT
    Posts: 5,544
    Likes: 6,663
    Joined: Mar 7, 2011

    TimmyT The Bride

    Oct 16, 2018

    @Sign Language was 9 and 5

    @Big Mitch was 8 and 6

    @YDB was 10 and 4

    @Boos was 6 and 8

    @Big Dangerous was 8 and 6

    @Bourbon Ben was 9 and 5

    @icecube was 11 and 3 (thanks again for death certificate)

    @WPG was 8 and 6

    @Kon was 9 and 5

    @M.I.C. was 9 and 5

    @Enigma was 10 and 4

    @Motor City was 10 and 4

    @Dominate24 was 8 and 6

    @The Product was 9 an 5

    @Duder was 9 and 5

    @Heisenberg was 7 and 7

    @JMG was 12 and 2

    @KnobodyKnows was 10 and 4

    @SWERVO was 9 and 5

    TimmyT was 9 and 5
    Jun 17, 2024