NFL Best Posts: 2018 NFL Pick Ems: Week 9

  1. TimmyT
    Posts: 5,544
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    Joined: Mar 7, 2011

    TimmyT The Bride

    Oct 31, 2018

    @xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx was 11 and 2

    @Big Dangerous was 10 and 3

    @icecube was 10 and 3

    @Dominate24 was 11 and 2

    @Duder was 10 and 3

    timmyt was 10 and 3

    @Boos was 10 and 3

    @WPG was 11 and 2

    @SWERVO was 11 and 2

    @The Product was 9 and 4

    @M.I.C. was 8 and 5

    @Alcoholic Grunge Stan was 12 and 1 ( now THAT'S impressive)

    @Kon was 9 and 4

    @Motor City was 10 and 3

    @Big Mitch was 9 and 4

    @JMG was 12 and 1 (GREAT job)

    @Sign Language was 10 and 3

    @Heisenberg was 11 and 2

    @KnobodyKnows was 9 and 4

    @Enigma ELIMNATED for not making picks in week 8............was probably too busy talking politics SMH

    in all the years i've been doing this.......i've never seen anyone get ALL the games right in one week........two people almost did it this week.
    Jun 17, 2024