I Need Help Growing SXN80

Started by Slyk, Dec 13, 2019, in Announcements Add to Reading List

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  1. Slyk
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    Slyk God made a prophet.

    Dec 13, 2019
    Hey guys.

    I've heard time and time again that many of y'all don't think I'm doing enough to grow the forum. Please know that that's 1000% not the case. I'm confident that I put more time into here than any other forum owner ever will. There's been a lot of work that's gone into keeping this place afloat that I haven't made public that's taken me well over a couple hundred hours to work through in just these past 6 months (FYI, these have all been resolved at this point), not to mention the ongoing development updates to give y'all want you want from a functional side...

    That said, building a house is easy, but it's admittedly much more difficult to get people to stick around for the party. And despite my personal + staff's efforts, I need help. So I'm casting a wide net. We've done public brainstorming sessions in the past on how to grow the forum and get new active members/discussion. Some of those ideas have gone into place (mixtapes, compilations, original content, requiring sign-ups after X views or after viewing initial post, social media efforts, contests for sign-up referrals, etc.), while others didn't make the cut. Clearly, we need fresh ideas. Other forums continue to thrive + new ones have emerged, showing promise of success. Yet our activity continues to decline. I'm not blind to our struggles and help is needed.

    If you're here, it's because you're still with us, and I can't thank you enough for remaining loyal to the community. But I need help. Please use this thread to post any well-thought out suggestions. If you can personally contribute, then all the better.

    If you say "revert to 2.0", then I might hunt you down... the framework isn't the issue (+ all core functions at this point are pretty d--- close to what 2.0 once was, else you have the option to adjust).

    No trolling, no bitching itt. Constructive plz.


    Jun 16, 2024
  2. aleeex1923
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    Dec 13, 2019
    I don't have any ideas on how to improve it, because I love it as it is!
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  3. icecube
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    Dec 13, 2019
    @Slyk I genuinely believe we need to rethink having a dislike option but one with consequences. We can't hide from the fact that this site has evolved from D12 World, through studio leaks to this. Part of that past is the troll aspect. Yes it's annoying as f--- sometimes and a lot of people will just say "ban @JMG and @joeyp363" but being that ignorant to our past will only hinder our future.

    Let a real dislike option have real consequences. Reach a certain limit and an auto 3 day ban kicks in for example. This will free up time for mods to keep sections clutter free and under control as well as giving the community some (albeit little) control.

    What I don't know is how you would monitor any abuse or alt accounts attacking certain people. But if I can at least plant a seed of thought I'd be happy.
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  4. joeyp363
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    Dec 13, 2019
    The honest truth is...forums are dying. Plain and simple.
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  5. CSA
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    Dec 13, 2019
    only thing really keeping this forum alive is Eminem. Unless there are any news related to Em, the forum is kinda dead. I'm not really sure what can be done about that since the forum was Eminem oriented from the beginning.
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  6. Bojack
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    Dec 13, 2019
    I’m not good at giving this kind of ideas since I only was a mod to a local dying forum and was there for the years that was only trolls left to k--- it totally.
    I just wanna say since you mentioned older versions and from my perspective that the thing that made me post daily and more was the milestones to reach to plus member status. And I think many people here was doing that while being able to have fun in here (s/I to @Rick for our daily back and forth posts). So maybe a system like that will bring some activity? Idk if it sounds stupid or not, just talkin from my perspective.
    Also like @icecube said I think along with that a dislike button is needed to prevent spamming at pointless posts just for the milestones. Make it like with an x amount of dislikes you lose points and stuff like that. But also gotta be careful about abusing dislike button cause it gotta be about post quality and not sympathies imo.
    Just my 2 scents, hope I helped a bit. Thanks for all the great work you’ve been doing.
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  7. Guma
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    Dec 13, 2019
    What was your previous nickname?
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  8. William Onyeabor
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    Dec 13, 2019
    I don’t know, I just joined and it seems pretty active
    Jun 16, 2024
  9. Cyreides
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    Cyreides gfy

    Dec 13, 2019
    maybe it's just me or something, but one thing that keeps me from really posting or even really reading stuff on here anymore is ever since 3.0, whenever i check the home page and look at what new's been posted... I can't actually see a way of going to the newest post on any given thread directly? just the first one of each thread... which is annoying as f---

    also navigation in general since 3.0 is uh... not my favorite on the site. seems like a disorganized mess now on the home page
    Jun 16, 2024
  10. Cyreides
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    Cyreides gfy

    Dec 13, 2019
    same thing with the alert system since 3.0... seems super jank to use now so I just blatantly ignore *all* notifications now
    Jun 16, 2024
  11. JMG
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    Dec 13, 2019
    we appreciate you @Slyk.. i know i made some comments but i know you work your a--- off.

    I think at this point its gotta be a major change.. right now we discuss a mixed bag of artist.. you gotta target big fan bases. post malone is probably the biggest rapper right now. however there is nothing here for his fans. we got the stans here who carry the forum. but were based of kenrick lamer. we gotta target some of these other fan bases and bring them in. it wouldnt be hard.. and if you cant get the socials then make new ones. im sure there is plenty of people who would do it, me included if need be. you need a number 2 also. @Koolo is always king and im sure he will reign again but not until hes out of prison. gotta have a wing man. id be happy to fill in. also you gotta get rid of @Enigma.. guest that come in don't want live updates of the impeachment in the j cole thread. hes been derailing countless threads with liberal bs. hes gotta go.

    last thing is you gotta change this reply box. show who is viewing thread again. it just feels like im typing on a half sheet of paper.
    Jun 16, 2024
  12. Bojack
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    Dec 13, 2019
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  13. Bojack
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    Dec 13, 2019
    Yeah I also feel like this is true I miss that I was able to see directly from a thread what going on
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  14. dutchforce
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    Dec 13, 2019
    @Slyk If this is the result of me searching "Dr.Dre" on a hip-hop forum it's never going to grow
    "Section Eighty - Error
    The search could not be completed because the search keywords were too short, too long, or too common."
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  15. Worm
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    Dec 13, 2019
    yeah I don't post as much any more because I can't search for dr dre either
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  16. RetiredAccount
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    Dec 13, 2019
    It's time for a rebrand.
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  17. KPD
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    KPD I feel incredible, is medicine edible?

    Dec 13, 2019
    I agree with the dislike button and also to add back the bit at the bottom to see who’s viewing the thread.
    Just so constructive criticism here but I find myself sticking to one thread day to day. I just find it annoying (as has been mentioned already) how when I go on the homepage and click another thread it takes me to the start of it. It’s a little thing but kinda annoying.

    I also have another idea however I’m not sure how exactly you’d execute it. Maybe others could suggest some ideas on it if they like it. What if you made like a “reward” bit for posts (or maybe likes would be better to prevent spam). Where the more likes you have overall the higher up the “ladder” you go. So idk this is a s--- example but you get a star every few hundred likes. Or idk maybe a hierarchy of rappers would be better. This would encourage people to post more and take part in the topic/conversation more? Just a thought, I’ve probably explained it horribly so sorry about that lol.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  18. Evad
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    Evad Balls

    Dec 13, 2019
    One thing I think is pretty important is the site design. I know you spent a large amount of time working on 3.0, and I’m not dismissing the effort put into it, you guys did an amazing job handling such a huge update. However, in my opinion, the layout is just not appealing nor inviting.

    UX wise it fails in a lot of aspects. (A bit cluttered and some functions are not as easy to access as it should be). This is my field of work for a living, so maybe it’s mostly me feeling like this, but know I’m not alone when I say I liked the site more before 3.

    And honestly, I also feel that if the site was more chat focused rather than every user trying to have a hit post all the time, it would make a major impact. KTT is still going pretty strong because nobody is concerned about getting the most likes and just post whatever they feel like. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think we should just remove the liking system, but I do feel like it can be implemented in a way that it doesn’t effect how a user decides to engage with the forum.

    I know for one that I would definitely post more frequently if it was much more laid back.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
    Jun 16, 2024
  19. WalterWhite
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    Dec 13, 2019
    I'm not gonna lie. I think artist specific sections were smart. Help you quickly find out any new, maybe irrelevant to the masses, content about those specific artists. Idk your data on the other sections but since this started as a music specific forum go back to the roots and focus on that stuff. Adding maintaining sports, life, and etc... and having your resources focusing on maintaining those may be not a valuable as the music stuff. Again idk you data just thinking out loud.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  20. Boos
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    Dec 13, 2019
    I think this place suffers from being known as an Eminem stan hub tbh. Like, other successful forums literally have one thread dedicated to all things him. And then when a new album comes out, a thread for that as well. Obviously with a site like KTT, there are a million threads for Kanye, but I think more people, especially young people, care about his music. Though, interest in him is declining as well. Since he’s always in the public eye, he remains culturally significant at all times. So there are timely things to talk about. Eminem on the other hand is quiet unless he’s putting an album out. Literally no one cares about the threads that are made about him except the small community of stans on here. Idk just my look on things. Forums are still capable of growing, I just don’t think many kids care for the content that is mostly posted here.

    edit: basically, there should be one big Eminem thread like the J. Cole one with the exception of major news (albums, disses that matter, etc.) If for nothing else than not scaring people away with 8/10 threads on the recent post page being about random Em related nonsense. Like @JMG said, target the fan bases of relevant artists. Kendrick is kind of tricky too for the same reasons as Eminem. He drops an album and no one sees him for 5 years. Though he is getting ready to drop another album.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
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    Jun 16, 2024
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