I Need Help Growing SXN80

Started by Slyk, Dec 13, 2019, in Announcements Add to Reading List

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  1. Slyk
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    Slyk God made a prophet.

    Jan 6, 2020
    1.) wouldn't a 2.0 homepage design highlight the lack of activity as well, but even on a greater level of that transparency? i.e., if there hasn't been a post in the Creative sxn for 3 days, then that would be up-front and center on the homepage; that isn't as highlighted with 3.0, as with the current activity, 3.0 typically will have a full listing of recent thread posts within the last 24 hours.
    2.) i might ask you to elaborate on this one so i understand... i think you're saying: even if i don't typically enter the Creative sxn, then when i go to the homepage, i still see what the last thread was about? i think i get that thought process. the shortcoming there is obviously that you have such a more-narrowed listing of recent threads shown across the forum...as devil's advocate, i'd also then say that the 3.0 homepage acts in a similar manner, but with a different presentation, as well as with it's own short comings in that nature: you have aggregated recent threads across the board, but the threads/sxns with momentum will be the ones to continue with momentum since those are the only ones showing in the homepage, and the other sxns then end up suffering.

    (reps/vets/plus is something i'm gathering thoughts on to probe the group for more convo here)
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
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  2. Slyk
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    Slyk God made a prophet.

    Jan 6, 2020
    how do we fix that? i've never been a fan of the trolling-culture on message boards, but it also seems inevitable to a degree. i think there's different levels of trolling/trolls, and the higher-level trolls typically are handled, but it's difficult on where to draw the line between letting something go and cutting it down. a comment here or there...not the end of the world; a recurring, constant troll...not good for the community & discussion. somewhere in-between...gray area. police it too strongly and we're nazis; police it too lightly and we allow too much trolling.

    i think you're on to something regarding the fact that we need more intellectual input, but how do we encourage more stimulating/thoughtful posts?
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  3. RetiredAccount
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    Jan 6, 2020
    Tougher guidelines on posting format. The parent post should adhere to a wordcount/content guideline, and submissions roll from there. Comments not contributing meaningfully to discussion (trolling or not) should be deleted. No one wants to have a discussion where 90% of the discussion is either someone adding nothing and simply agreeing, or disagreeing via childish trolls. Either add something meaningful when you join the discussion, or don't join. There's an off topic section for a reason, fool around in there. If you aren't actually here to discuss things, don't discuss, just read. Eventually the higher quality discussions will actually lead to more people chirping in, and people who really want to say something will be incentive to post a stronger message.
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  4. Michael Myers
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    Jan 6, 2020
    You do realize that setting standards like that will not motivate a lot of people to post at all?

    Maybe you're right about the long run and I do get what you mean (s--- trolls shouldn't be allowed in serious discussions) but sometimes a post sums up people's thoughts and people agree or a different discussion appears maybe a little off topic, we should just what, delete that? Not sure if that is gonna make people post more tbh

    Again in serious discussions I agree to an extent post that don't add s--- (as in, potentially ruining the discussion) should be deleted but this is still a message board so people like to interact with eachother. Posters that are active every day are also on this forum talking to eachother, posting threads and talking about several topics. If you want to delete every post that isn't pitchfork ghostwritten thoughtfull stuff, this place becomes a lot less fun for a lot of posters.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
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  5. Jay Zeus
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    Jan 6, 2020
    Cialis ads will help erect attention for the Sxn80 cause. Let them in. It's Initiative 101, baby. It's okay. I know what you're thinking. "So immoral, Jay. Why would you even insinuate or suggest that I ever stoop so low?" You might ask yourself. "What's it all for? How did I get here?" The answer is simple, really. Sometimes you have to show a little teat, to make 'em skeet. The proverbially-aforementioned (th)em, would be the taste-makers and pundits of the vital marketing industry, as well as its fairly commonplace Cyberspace Outreach Predispositions.
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  6. Mikey
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    Jan 6, 2020
    the only thing that helps this site grow is an Eminem or Kendrick album.
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    Jan 6, 2020
    Design: 2.0 > StudioLeaks > 3.0
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    Jan 6, 2020
    2.0 > TRShady > SL > 3.0
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  9. lil uzi vert stan
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    Jan 6, 2020
    yeah re: #2.... it would, sure..... but at least there it isnt all aggregated - like i log in here, its like oh theres literally been three posts all day okkkkkkkk im leaving. whereas the previous model, u could see maybe creative was dead but Music (or whatever) had a post within the last hour. you don't know if that's just one thread or 20. you know? so more air of mystery when its sub forums.... just to me anyway, my personal posting habits. forums are a niche way of discussion so i think leaning into that, allowing people to discover things and engage on their own terms is perhaps part of the solution.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  10. Slyk
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    Slyk God made a prophet.

    Jan 6, 2020
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  11. Slyk
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    Slyk God made a prophet.

    Jan 6, 2020
    you're offering absolutely nothing to the conversation. i made a long a--- post talking through details (included you on it) and asking for direct input on this targeted topic on the last page. it's these blanket statements that i'll discard entirely and chalk it up as you being an a------ or an unintelligent fool.

    if you can't speak to it on an intelligent, pointed, level, then your input is worthless tbh. the entirety of this thread is to dive in. use my post and the others i quoted in it as a jumping ground. tear it apart. offer suggestions. provide solutions... i'm f---ing listening.
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  12. Slyk
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    Slyk God made a prophet.

    Jan 6, 2020
    tbph, over-policing isn't going to draw in more members and encourage others to post. policing the blatant trolls derailing the topic/conversation: yes; overdoing it: no. i can already see the picketing and post-nazi callings
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  13. Slyk
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    Slyk God made a prophet.

    Jan 6, 2020
    Alerts System--
    can y'all provide any more detail on this? i've had just as many, if not more, alerts than anyone else here since launch. i've admittedly had maybe 2-3 times where a blip occurred and the alert notification wouldn't clear. in all cases, i believe it had something to do with a bug in a profile comment alert. in those couple instances, i did mark all as read, and then went about my business for the next 6 months without an issue again.. how often is this happening for you? what scenarios?

    curious on why you're ignoring alerts entirely tbh.

    re the interface of it: if you don't like the groupings/categories/changes, or whatever, then you can literally do nothing and it will be the full listing of the alerts, just as it was previously. if you choose to ignore the new tools of the interface, then the difference should only be: 1.) requires a click/visit to the notification to clear it (this will not change), 2.) your historical notifications are shown

    why #1 won't change: in 2.0, if you logged in and had 10 notifications, click the alerts dropdown to see them, and click on one of them.... then all of the other 9 will be automatically be marked as read. h--- -- in 2.0, i believe they even disappeared quickly so you couldn't see the historical data for very long. UX-wise, 2.0 was f---ing stupid and such a terrible, illogical, experience. one additional piece regarding the new functionality, which only enhances it further: if you have 3 likes on a single post, and you visit that one post, then all 3 of the alert notifications disappear -- it's not like you have to click on all three individually to be shown the same thing.

    minor, every-so-often, bug aside, i'm pretty firm on this, but obviously open to be convinced otherwise that there's a better solution, with the thought in mind that it will encourage more activity and new sign-ups. (i want to try to stay focused on this theme throughout the discussion here)

    hit me with it.
    Jun 16, 2024
  14. Worm
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    Jan 6, 2020
    oh yeah one thing I do miss with alerts is that I remember not having to refresh my browser to see if I had any. It would show automatically on the notification bar and in the browser tab. I feel like the alerts do show automatically without refreshing sometimes, maybe? But definitely not all the time. Not really a big deal though
    Jun 16, 2024
  15. Nick
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    Jan 6, 2020
    I guess it just looks cluttered. Nothing else. I'm not on as often so it could be just the fact im not used to it. The idea is great, especially for people with a lot of notis. I haven't any bugs with it btw.
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  16. Nay Nay
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    Jan 7, 2020
    @Slyk I believe I understand your thought process much better now after seeing you break things down the way you have so far.

    General Comments:
    Overall, I think a hybrid of 2.0 and 3.0 would be the ideal solution, not a total revert. I think we could keep a lot of the clean new looks of 3.0 and some of the helpful functionality improvements while also "reverting" back to the simplicity and intuitiveness of 2.0.

    3.0 PM/Profile views
    Fine in my opinion, fantastic work!

    3.0 Thread view
    For the most part, I would agree that 3.0 looks/functions better (though I have some criticisms as well).
    -Larger avatars
    -Floating reply box
    -Theme (Has a "cleaner" look visually for post layout)
    -Navigation bar (will go into detail later)
    -Sidebar (will go into detail later)
    -No Users Viewing Thread section (Personally I could care less about this, but I understand why other users enjoy this feature)

    3.0 SXN View

    -None really. Arguments could be made that the theme is better (might look slightly cleaner if not for the side bar), but it needs some minor adjustments.
    -Navigation bar (will go into detail later)
    -Sidebar (will go into detail later)
    -Theme adjustments: Add a thin spacer between threads to keep it consistent with the thread view (and it would also give it a more organized appearance). I prefer 2.0's layout In regards to thread details (OP, date, replies, views, most recent reply, etc.). 3.0 is missing the "views" portion entirely which I think is actually an interesting statistic that actually drew me in to viewing certain threads I wouldn't normally click (though it will obviously highlight the lack of activity of the site in its current state, so maybe you will want to hold off on that and add it back once the activity picks back up). I'm also not a fan of the design/appearance of the labels/tags (the finance, politics, serious blue buttons) on 3.0. They stand out too much and distract from the different thread titles rather than supplementing them. I think they need to be more subtle and mimic the styling of 2.0's

    3.0 Homepage:
    One of my biggest complaints/issues.
    -Theme (Aside from the featured content section. Although it certainly looks more appealing visually with album covers and images, functionality-wise it's not as nearly as good as 2.0. Needing to click and drag to see everything that is "featured" for one is a pain to do, and two defeats the whole purpose of being "featured". Featured content should be seen without needing to click or drag anything to see it, it should be right there in front of your face, ease of access and visibility is key to the concept of something being "featured.")
    -Footer (Though adding our social links could be beneficial for the site if anybody keeps them up-to-date even semi-regularly).
    -Removal of useless "Friends Online" sidebar section
    -I absolutely hate the setup/layout/design/organization/functionality of it. A lot of the functionality/organization of the 2.0 homepage was replaced by the new navigation bar and so the new homepage essentially took on a different purpose. I believe this right here lies the core issue most people don't like about 3.0. The concept of the new homepage (mixed with the navigation bar) makes the entire site look disorganized and unintuitive/confusing.
    I understand and appreciate your reasoning for wanting to try adapting and evolving the site from the "stale" format of most forums. I understand how the concept of the navigation bar seems like a super useful tool to add to the site and make navigation quicker/easier theoretically. Unfortunately, these adaptations failed in my opinion. I think it's one of those things that seems like a great idea, but in reality it leads to more problems than it solves. And as the homepage is the center of the site where everybody accesses everything from, the confusion/dislike for the homepage and site setup makes people dislike the whole 3.0 inception and request for the reversion back to 2.0. As @Worm said, 2.0 was simpler and people did not adjust well to the change to 3.0 (which I mentioned in my original response to this thread). As @Big Cuntry said, I too really miss the homepage being a list of all the boards. And as @Papa Alpha Andy stated, 3.0 diminishes the "subculture" of 2.0. Reverting back to a 2.0 type of homepage would alleviate a majority of the disdain a majority of the users have with the site.
    Again, I appreciate and understand your reasoning behind why you wanted to design the homepage the way you did, but I think it is safe to say that this "evolution" is one that did not catch on. The "stale" interface is simpler and intuitive, making it superior in the end.

    3.0 Navigation Bar:
    Great concept to test out and theoretically makes sense, but IMO it failed. Maybe some sort of adaptation could be made to make it effective, but this feature in its current state certainly isn't flawless. A navigation bar (at least one such as what we have now) is not effective for a forum. We have way too many categories and content that we cover on here. Clicking and dragging the bar to see all of the content in it is ineffective and functionally odd. Although it is nice to be able to quickly access different sections from anywhere on the site, from a navigational/functionality standpoint, the 2.0 homepage did a better and more organized way of doing this even though it required one more click. I think the integration of this could possibly be part of your reason as to why you have gotten "revert to 2.0" rather than "3.0 is great, minus the homepage view", because it is integrated into every aspect of the site. If it is important enough to integrate into every page, it shouldn't need to be customizable. The one extra click will not deter people from using the site.
    A study conducted by Joshua Porter published on User Interface Engineering found out that users aren’t more likely to resign to failure of not getting to what they want on a site after three clicks versus a higher number such as 12 clicks. “Hardly anybody gave up after three clicks,” Porter said.


    The focus, then, shouldn’t be on reducing the number of clicks to get to a page, but rather on the ease of utility of it. If you can construct a user interface that’s easy and pleasurable to use, but still takes like 15 clicks (e.g. 5 times more than the three-click rule) to achieve a particular task, it will prove to be more effective. Don’t let the arbitrary three-click rule stop you.

    3.0 Sidebar:
    Thread view and SXN view Sidebar:
    Simply put, it's distracting and clutters the site. I learned in my Marketing on the Internet class a few years ago that "less is more" per page on a website in most instances. You want the least amount buttons and options as possible so people are drawn to the core actions of the page.
    -SXN Info is pointless IMO. Every section is self-explanatory for the most part. I doubt many people read these and find them useful/helpful. They are just one more thing in the way to ignore.
    -Latest posts shouldn't be shown in a thread. If I am in a thread, it is for a reason. I am interested in the thread and want to engage in it. That is my focus at the moment. Although you are trying to increase activity by drawing attention to other threads, you are simply cannibalizing the activity that they could be engaging in with the thread they are already in.
    -Quick filtering and quick follow mention groups in the SXN view are nice features but should be implemented differently (not in a sidebar). Their design currently clashes with the clean look of the rest of the site and they take up way too much space. They should be towards the top like an extension under the header, or in place of the navigation bar section.
    Homepage Sidebar: 2.0 Sidebar was much more effective and useful. As mentioned previously, all of the featured content was easily viewable and accessible. Although it isn't pictured in your screenshot, at some point directly under featured threads there was a section/feed for Latest Posts/Hottest Threads. You could easily see what activity was going on at that very moment on the homepage and see what was popular overall recently in an organized fashion without having to leave the homepage. It wasn't extremely intrusive and bogged down your whole experience with content that you may not be interested in the way the new homepage does. This design was a much better approach than having the entire homepage serve this purpose. It gives you access to it, but doesn't force it down your throat. Then below that was the status updates section. I'm glad you removed the useless Friends Online portion for that part in 3.0. In my opinion the entire status updates portion should be removed entirely.
    I will reiterate what I said in my previous post: There is too much to do on this site outside of discussions and that draws away from what the site is supposed to be made for. We have integrated too many social media aspects into the site. Why have a section for status updates on a forum? For one that is giving people an outlet to express themselves and their ideas in a way that pulls them away from posting in an actual thread (which would be more content that could lead to more engagement).

    When I have notifications and I hit the "mark all as read" button, it then brings me to a whole notifications page rather than just clearing the notifications badge for the drop down arrow. I'm marking all as read because I don't want to view those notifications, so why am I being brought to a page to see them in more detail? Not sure why this issue hasn't been addressed yet, it's a simple logical improvement.

    "Waste of Space" and "Increased Transparency" Comments:
    You are cluttering people with way too much information at one time. Information that people aren't necessarily interested in (because this site covers a wide range of topics and artists, and having a homepage that simply consists of latest posts can be simply full of content that doesn't appeal or apply to each user's interests. As @Papa Alpha Andy said, there were different pockets of the forum with sub-communities in them based on people with similar interests. 2.0's homepage layout worked perfectly for that sort of thing). You tried capitalizing on "screen real estate" which shouldn't really be much of a focus for a forum. That is important for websites such as those selling products, but a forum is a whole different ballpark. You are simply cluttering people's screens and overwhelming them with too much to do and too much to look at. It loses the visual attractiveness of the "clean" new look by jamming too much onto the screen. Again, less is more. Make it look nice. Make each page have a sole purpose and lose all the "extras".

    In conclusion: The new look of the site is generally great. A lot of the newer/improved features are beneficial and great additions. However the navigation/organization of the site was significantly hindered with the new homepage; so significantly that it overshadowed any useful improvements to the site. Apply 3.0's visual and functionality improvements to 2.0's simplistic organization and I believe activity will increase and the site will be more appealing to new users.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2020
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  17. 1999
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    Jan 7, 2020
    2.0 was more or less a template design and it worked better.
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  18. Bojack
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    Jan 7, 2020
    Τbh everything @Nay Nay said feels like could make the experience a lot better.

    I wanted to add that I kinda hate the fact that we have to refresh the page for pretty much everything.
    I think new posts page, notis and recent activity (if it comes back anyway) should all be real time.
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  19. Kevin
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    Jan 7, 2020
    I'm just here for the reps
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  20. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Jan 8, 2020
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