CM Punk finally reveals everything, big interview

Started by Kon, Nov 27, 2014, in Sports Add to Reading List

  1. Kon
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    Nov 27, 2014
    Just saw this and just started listening so not sure what he says yet, but I've been waiting a while for this, very curious to hear it. It's on Colt Cabana's podcast by the way. Here's the direct link to the interview:

    *edit* Apparently that link doesn't work anymore, here's a youtube link of it, can also get it on itunes or other places.

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2014
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  2. Kon
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    Nov 27, 2014
    This is an amazing interview so far, lots of interesting stuff. Highly recommend any wrestling and CM Punk fans listen to it.

    He just said the shield was his idea and WWE wanted to make the group with Punk as the leader and big show, daniel bryan and seth rollins involved. Punk mentioned having 3 guys from FCW and mentioned Ambrose, Rollins and Chris Hero. HHH shot down Hero and mentioned Reigns.

    He said working with Ryback took 20 years off his life, says Ryback hurt others on purpose at times, calls him 'steroid guy.' He tore his knee working with Cena at NOC.

    He tweeted out that he 's--- his pants on smackdown' which he actually did and WWE got mad at him for saying 's---' so he blocked WWE and unfollowed them lol.

    He confirmed that Batista/Orton was supposed to be the main event at WM30.

    He tells the whole story about how he left and basically says word for word how it went down with HHH and Vince, also says WWE suspended him for 2 months after he left. Says he later found out he was fired on his wedding day.

    He got another concussion in the rumble match and he found out after he left he had a staph infection. Doctor said he could have died. If anyone's mad at him for leaving after hearing the whole interview, you're a selfish a------ and don't care about the human beings in the ring. I'm still listening but this is an absolute must hear interview, it's long but the whole thing is interesting. It certainly makes me think less of the WWE though, they treat people like s--- and make poor decisions. He says there is no working relationship with WWE and there never will be, I can pretty much guarantee he's done for good, you'll feel the same way after listening.
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  3. Oldboy
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    Nov 27, 2014
    Holy s---...

    The most amazing thing to come out of the interview is that Punk didn't quit WWE - he was fired. While he left the company in January, he was told weeks later by Vince McMahon via text that he was suspended for two months. The next day, Vince told stockholders that Punk was on a "sabbatical." When the suspension ended, no one in WWE contacted Punk. When he reached out asking where royalties that were owed to him were, he got a run-around from WWE until he received termination papers informing him he was in breach of contract on his wedding day. So, they fired him on his wedding day in June 2014, which Punk said was "going too f**ing far." Punk claimed the company tried to find him in "retro-breach" in June, instead of claiming he breached his deal back in January 2014.

    *Punk said he left WWE the day after The Royal Rumble for one main reason: his health. Duringt the Punk goes into great, esquisite detail about the last several months in the company, which includes Punk being so injured that he's working with broken ribs (thanks to Ryback), a concussion (which he ignored and still went to work a European tour with) and injured knees, getting so sick on the aforementioned European tour that he was puking and dry heaving every night after wrestling, being given so many antibiotics by WWE's doctors that he pooped himself in the ring on Smackdown all while watching his checks shrink. Punk described it as the worst he ever felt in his life and being unable to sleep he was so sick and that it had been going on since before the November European tour.

    At the Royal Rumble, Punk suffered a concussion early on and still worked the entire match. The next day, he passed the company's concussion test (which he called "bullsh) while texting Colt Cabana and wearing headphones. WWE then told him he passed the test but they wanted him to go run the ring ropes to check him again. At that point, Punk demanded they just decide he has a concussion and admits until then he was just trying to deny he was hurt and tough it out. When the company began pressuring him about signing visas for future tours and taking a drug test instead of listening to his requests to "f**ing help me" because something was obviously wrong, Punk says he decides to tell Vince McMagon and Triple H he's going home. Punk's version of this is something to behold as he tears into Triple H for cutting off his momentum in 2011 (Punk goes into great detail on issues with HHH), complains to Vince that he's stifled Punk's creativity and tells them both it's garbage they aren't considering Daniel Bryan for the main event of Wrestlemania 30, passing him by the way they've passed Punk by. He told them he was done and didn't want to do this anymore.

    *Punk also told a story of going to WWE's doctor because he found a lump on his back. The WWE Doctor, identified by Punk as Chris Amann, diagnoses it as a fat deposit. Punk tells several stories of asking for Amann to cut it out, but Amann says no several times with Punk describing him as "lazy." The deposit got bigger but Amann declined to take it out as Punk had to wrestle. The day of the Rumble, he told Amann that it was now badly hurting and purple and bigger. Amann told him he couldn't do it because Punk had to work the Rumble. After the Rumble, Punk demanded it be cut out and Amann noted that Punk would need to be on antibiotics, to which Punk responded that he had been put on antibiotics for three months. After leaving WWE and it not getting better, AJ Lee had him go to her doctor, who not knowing who Punk was or any background information, immediately diagnosed Punk with a MERSA staph infection and proceeded to squeeze the lump so hard the puss hit the ceiling. So, Punk had been wrestling the last few months with a staph infection in his back and according to his story, it was ignored and/or misdiagnosed by WWE's medical staff. When the doctor asked Punk how long he's had the lump and Punk told him a few months, the doctor told him, "You should be dead."

    *Punk talked about how badly hurt he was and that on two occasions, he literally came out of surgery (and in one story, was walking out of the hospital following knee surgery) to find out he was being brought back almost immediately. After elbow surgery, he was told he was being brought back to the road and TV to cut promos and after the knee surgery, was told he was being brought back in three weeks to work a TLC match against Ryback.

    Punk described his wrestling career as a failure as he failed to get to the main event of Wrestlemania. He said that it was ridiculous that so many current roster members have been in the main event and said he needed to get there so he could learn to work at that level and get better and draw more. He said he would hear he wasn't a draw, but every chance he had, he "shoved it down their f**ing throats." He said that it all comes down to an "out of touch old man" (Vince McMahon) and his decisions. Punk said he knew he had the best match at Wrestlemania 29 and he was praised for it, but he knew he didn't get the money that John Cena, Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Rock, and Triple H got for the show.

    *Punk said that he didn't hold them up for money and didn't ask for anything and didn't walk out in the middle of a storyline. He was chokeslammed by Kane and he was gone. He went home for his health and sanity, although he did note he was frustrated with seeing smaller checks and not getting answers as to how the WWE Network will change the pay scale. Punk noted that everyone was afraid to ask Vince McMahon and even Randy Orton was coming to him asking if he knew anything.

    *The most amazing thing to come out of the interview is that Punk didn't quit WWE - he was fired. While he left the company in January, he was told weeks later by Vince McMahon via text that he was suspended for two months. The next day, Vince told stockholders that Punk was on a "sabbatical." When the suspension ended, no one in WWE contacted Punk. When he reached out asking where royalties that were owed to him were, he got a run-around from WWE until he received termination papers informing him he was in breach of contract on his wedding day. So, they fired him on his wedding day, which Punk said was "crossing the line and pushing too far."

    *Punk said that he hired a very vicious lawyer to go after WWE to fight the breach and in the end, he got a settlement that gave him everything he asked for "and more." He said he's just not allowed to talk about the settlement, but pretty much made it clear he got everything he wanted and noted it was stupid of WWE to even advertise him for the next WWE DVD. He said he is completely done and clear of WWE and they will never, ever have a working relationship ever again. He said they were terrified that as an independent contract for the last ten years, that he would take them to court and ruin their way of doing business.

    *Punk talked in details about WWE using the independent contractor status, noting the company does concussion testing to help themselves, not the wrestlers. He noted all the money the NFL Player's Union is forcing the NFL to pay for old injuries and medical concerns of players and that WWE is doing all this to prevent wrestlers from being able to say that they aren't. Punk said that if WWE truly cared for the talents, they would allow a union to be created for the talents.

    Punk also noted that he was to star in "12 Rounds 2" and when he told Triple H the shooting dates were the same dates as a WWE European tour, Triple H tells him that's not the case but he will look into it. The next day, WWE announced Randy Orton would star in the move with HHH never calling Punk to inform him of the change because Punk said, "He thinks I'm a piece of sh*."

    *Punk said wrestling Ryback took "20 years off his life" and talked in detail about how badly hurt he was working with, as Punk described him, "Steroid guy."

    *WWE was afraid he was going to TNA, but his lawyer told WWE that he despises wrestling now and will never wrestle again.
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  4. Kon
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    Nov 27, 2014
    Finally listened to it all, best wrestling interview I've ever heard and I believe every word he said tbh. It's a little under 2 hours I believe if anyone's curious, but certainly worth it.

    It's hard to think much of the WWE with some of these stories, absolutely ridiculous. Punk isn't to blame here at all, he made many sacrifices for them and was clearly being used and they didn't care about his well being at all.

    Can't wait to hear part 2.
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  5. Oldboy
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    Nov 27, 2014
    i was very spoken on sl about how i thought no excuse could allow punk to walk

    if what he says is true..not only is he excused...some officials need to investigate this...these are criminal acts this is not a joke
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  6. theg
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    theg got that pma

    Nov 27, 2014
    f---ing stitcher is absolute water trash. can't pause the god d--- thing for more than 15 seconds without having to restart.
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  7. Tad
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    Nov 27, 2014
    So glad CM Punk is finally speaking out. I'm about an hour into the interview so far
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  8. Kon
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    Nov 27, 2014
    It's gonna be hard for me to support the WWE after hearing all of this.

    I think Vince needs to step down, ryback needs to be fired, their doctor needs to be investigated and fired and WWE needs to release some kind of statement or response to this and I don't just mean a cheap shot sort of referencing it on raw.

    I could see why some might doubt some of what Punk says, but to me he seems like a brutally honest tells it how is is kind of guy and what he says sounds true, I believe him. WWE is a piece of s--- company from the sound of it, hopefully they don't treat every wrestler as poorly as they treated Punk. It's honestly a good thing he quit when he did, or he might be dead, but still kinda sad he didn't get his wrestlemania main event, he should have gotten that as early as WM27 instead of Cena/Miz. Imagine if Cena/Punk had their 1st big feud leading up to WM for the main event, would have been huge.

    Also pretty much every idea Punk mentioned he told them made a lot more sense than what WWE did, wish Punk booked WWE. Lol @ how everyone including Batista didn't think his return would work as a face, yet WWE went with it anyways, shows how out of touch they are. I can't believe Orton/Batista was actually the plan for the WM main event lol, so stupid, was starting to think maybe they were smart and figured out the fans' reaction for DB and made it look that way on purpose to get him over, but nope. Punk/Batista/Orton could have main evented while HHH had Bryan, Punk also mentioned he'd have been fine being eliminated in 5 minutes in a 3 way elimination match with Rock/Cena/Punk but WWE didn't even let him do that.
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  9. The Product
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    Nov 27, 2014
    Ive stopped watching WWE but this is interesting. I havent watched the interview yet but from what everyone is saying he said i definitely think it should be investigated. I can't believe Vince is still running things. He had his moment but at the end of my time watching the show he was past his time in my eyes.
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  10. FreeAgent
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    Nov 27, 2014
    i'm going to listen to this later, but from what i've read about the podcast i don't blame punk for walking. i own his 'best in the world' dvd and had a lot of respect for him after watching it.

    i admit at the start i did think to myself "oh here we go again" but it goes to show don't judge before you know the truth. in the near future i see things becoming less sour between both wwe and punk just like the wwe/stone cold scenario years ago but it's still s-----y wwe is basically black balling punk.

    the video package that was aired before the lesnar/undertaker match had punk cut out and that match was arguably the best match of that wrestlemania and the best undertaker match we've seen in years. add that to punks 434 day title reign being hid under the carpet it's a bit school-like behaviour on wwe's behalf.
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  11. reservoirGod
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    reservoirGod reckless adventurer.

    Nov 27, 2014
    If rasslers were smart they'd form a union to pressure the WWE for the kind of healthcare and retirement benefits they'll need to cope with the trauma they cause themselves to keep Vince in Billionaire status.
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  12. Oldboy
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    Nov 27, 2014
    rayback ends cm punk with a single tweet
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  13. Kon
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    Nov 27, 2014
    Don't think there's anyone in the WWE I hate more than Ryback right now. I'd rather see Adam Rose's bunny get a push than that clown.
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  14. FreeAgent
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    Nov 27, 2014
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  15. Daniel
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    Nov 27, 2014
    Seen Punk on that European tour where he tagged with Daniel Bryan. Was awesome at the time but crazy to think he was working with all sorts of injuries and dry heaving after every match.
    You know that they push the top guys back from injury too quickly sometimes but that's just ridiculous. Hopefully some mainstream media pick up the story and put some f---ing pressure on WWE.

    I cannot see Punk ever back with the company. He seems like a pretty stubborn guy. He said he is no longer in love with professional wrestling and he seems to have an extreme dislike for HHH who is only going to become more prominent a figure. Who knows if they offered him a few million for a Wrestlemania main event in the future though!
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  16. Oldboy
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    Nov 27, 2014
    then it turns out it was all a work

    best storyline of all time
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  17. ComfortablyNumb
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    Nov 27, 2014
    I'm curious as to how the f--- WWE got away with all of this. Letting someone wrestle while they're practically dying should be illegal. No way in h--- they misdiagnosed him to the point they didn't know he had a concussion and a staph infection, two extremely serious illnesses. If what all of he says is true, which I'm sure it is, I've lost a lot of respect for Vince McMahon and Triple H. I'm glad he left now and I don't blame him if he never comes back.

    And f--- Ryback. He also almost broke Daniel Bryan's neck and gave Dolph Ziggler a concussion.
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  18. Kon
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    Nov 27, 2014
    Saw this was one of the top stories on yahoo and read their article and it has a small pointless response from WWE.

    UPDATE (7:25 p.m. ET):

    The WWE sent the following statement to Yahoo Sports:

    “WWE takes the health and wellness of its talent very seriously and has a comprehensive Talent Wellness Program that is led by one of the most well-respected physicians in the country, Dr. Joseph Maroon."

    No statement at all probably would have been better if that's all they say lol.
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  19. ComfortablyNumb
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    Nov 27, 2014
    Sounds like a typical automated response.
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  20. Suburban Scum
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    Nov 27, 2014
    Forgot how much I respected punk. Will never forget how he pretty much single handedly made wrestling cool again and had some crazy and amazing matches with some of the big guys like Lesnar, Cena, Taker, DB, and Jericho. Would love for him to one day come back but I understand and respect he doesn't want to especially after all this.
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