Best Posts: You can now tag your threads

  1. Saladin

    Saladin Guest

    Apr 25, 2015
    You can now tag your threads, we've implemented this function in order to make it easier for other people to find whatever they're looking for. It's not necessary to tag your thread, but it would be very appreciated by the community to do so. Tag accordingly and correctly, it's better to have one or two tags which are actually related to the post rather than having 5 tags that has nothing to do with the post.

    In order to search tags and see other tags, go to, we'll be making some adjustments to make it easier to search for tags soon
    Jun 17, 2024
  2. 0TT0
    Posts: 1,279
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    Joined: Feb 15, 2011
    Location: Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada

    Apr 25, 2015
    Gifs loading a1 for me

    Cool feature

    Jun 17, 2024