Bernie Sanders for US President 2020

Started by Yeezus, May 12, 2015, in Life Add to Reading List

Will you vote for Bernie Sanders?

  1. Yes

    61 vote(s)
  2. No

    39 vote(s)
  3. Not eligible to vote

    16 vote(s)
  1. Yeezus
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    May 12, 2015
    Earlier this month on ABC's This Week, host George Stephanopoulos asked Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) whether he actually believed a self-described socialist could be elected president of the United States. Sanders suggested that if more Americans were acquainted with the quality of life in countries in Scandinavia, they wouldn't be frightened by the label.

    Knowing that Scandinavia is nothing short of h--- on earth, Stephanopoulos zeroed in on the absurdity of Sanders' point: "I can hear the Republican attack ad right now: 'He wants America to look more like Scandinavia.'"

    "What's wrong with that?" Sanders replied.

    Stephanopoulos was right to be skeptical that Sanders could get away with such a comparison. Scandinavian countries' social democratic policies of exceptionally high tax rates and heavy government involvement in the provision of services has been nothing short of catastrophic.

    America should do whatever it takes to ensure it doesn't suffer the same fate. Take a look at the facts on what their policies would do to the U.S.

    1. Access to quality health care would simply plummet.
    Having the government step into services like health care would create massive public health challenges. Just look at how many people in Sweden lack access to affordable health care:


    2. Health care costs would go through the roof.

    Countries such as Norway believe that the government can manage some things better than the market. As you can see, this has resulted in loads of wasted money:

    [​IMG]Source: Mic/World Bank
    3. Our education system would be a joke.
    Scandinavian countries have little interest in investing in their youth:

    [​IMG]Source: Mic/NCES/Study in Norway
    4. We would be overrun by violent crime.
    With their gentle open-air prisons and their low ceilings for maximum sentencing, Scandinavian countries are havens for criminals:

    [​IMG]Source: Mic/UNODC
    5. America would just wallow in poverty.
    The prosperity of Scandinavian countries — measured as a combination of wealth and well-being — captures just how bad their citizens have it:

    [​IMG]Source: Legatum Prosperity Index
    6. Unemployment would skyrocket.
    Scandinavian governments have suffocated the labor market and encouraged joblessness:

    [​IMG]Source: Mic/Eurostat
    7. Everyone would be miserable.
    Between the dark winters and the knowledge that any ambition will only be rewarded with more taxes, people aren't satisfied with life in Scandinavia:

    [​IMG]Source: OECD Better Life Index
    If Sanders thinks that he can win over the American people while touting these failed states as a model for the future, he can kiss the White House goodbye.
    Evad, Khroam ♥, ArthurDW and 4 others like this.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  2. Swizz
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    May 12, 2015
    no thx
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  3. Fazers
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    May 12, 2015
    in theory, sanders and his ideas are gr8. would never work
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  4. ChanceTheRapper
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    May 12, 2015
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  5. Yeezus
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    May 13, 2015
    It works greatly for Scandinavia, I knew that before I read this article mind you. Even if Sanders doesn't make USA the haven it should be, then at least it'll be a little bit better.

    Besides, he is the most desirable candidate to me. Unless you like someone else better?
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  6. tomroe93
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    May 13, 2015
    Definitely plan on voting for him in the primary and I'll write him in the actual election, even if he doesn't win the primary
    Jun 16, 2024
  7. Fazers
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    May 13, 2015
    eh. but scandanavia isn't comprised of any nations which could really be comparable to the united states. this is a much larger scale.

    it's not about me not liking bernie, haha. he's leagues above the current republican nominees
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    Jun 16, 2024
  8. Yeezus
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    May 13, 2015
    Why not? Who will you vote for instead?
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    Jun 16, 2024
  9. Lil Squeed
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    Lil Squeed French Montana Stan

    May 13, 2015
    Don't know why, but I thought this said Barry Sanders for president.
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  10. Bunk
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    May 13, 2015
    Why was the whole OP sarcastic?
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  11. lil uzi vert stan
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    May 13, 2015
    This guy is going to get ~11% of the Democratic primary vote regardless of what he does. He will be interesting to watch, but that's about it.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  12. Yeezus
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    May 13, 2015
    Sanders is a socialist and very left-wing, which scares a lot of uninformed Americans. The article simply pokes fun at those people who act like Sanders is a bad choice, and counterattacks with facts and statistics.
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  13. Bunk
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    May 13, 2015
    Those who dont understand the views of Bernie dont need to be further challenged by double talk, honestly.

    His voice will be almost entirely suppressed by the major media outlets, who cater to and are controlled by the billionaires, and his only chance of getting any where in this election would have to follow a complete meltdown by either party in the debates, which is likely not to happen. They would rather showcase him as a radical buffoon from Vermont who has lofty opinions, and his viewpoints will be squashed by tabloid-esque smear campaigns.

    I watched the interview and it really upset me how it was titled "Bernie Sanders thinks America should be like Scandinavia" by NBC as if hes talking about Game of Thrones or Narnia. They covered so many important issues in that interview like Bernie, on multiple occasions, attacking the Billionaire Class and other subversive interests in Washington and stating that he wants to get away from the limitations that both the Democratic and Republican parties have put on meaningful legislation over the last 30 years..

    Your charts are what America needs to see because not only do they show that countries from Northern Europe are extremely well governed, but it also shows how little America provides for its people in comparison. The sarcasm is just counterintuitive and could even seem snarky :emoji_wink:
    DeletedAccount, Yeezus and tomroe93 like this.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  14. Yeezus
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    May 20, 2015
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  15. Yeezus
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    Oct 29, 2015
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  16. Translucent
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    Translucent SLIMINEM

    Oct 29, 2015
    Yes of course. He's the only candidate who will not adhere to smear campaigns, refuses a super PAC, and has stood by his principles and ideas since day 1. He doesn't flip flop and is honest and blunt. We haven't had a politician like this since JFK.

    For the people, not bought by wall street like every other candidate.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  17. Crows
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    Oct 29, 2015
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  18. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Oct 29, 2015
    Nah, I love Bernie but he's better fit for the Senate and more useful there. He has a lot of great progressive ideas which I do support but it's what he can actually get done that is worry some to me. With a Republican controlled congress, how exactly is he going to pass all these policies he speaks of? Not only that but I'm not totally convinced that he's fully knowledgable on foreign policy issues, he's been okay so far on that topic but I'm interested to hear more from him on that in upcoming debates.

    Hillary said it best in the last debate, "I'm a progressive but I'm a progressive that likes to get things done." That's what I think separates the two so I'm voting Hillary.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  19. Yeezus
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    Oct 29, 2015
    I strongly recommend you to watch this. This is one example of why Bernie > Hillary.

    Hillary isn't that trustworthy IMO.
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  20. Chad Warden
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    Chad Warden As Ballin As Possible

    Oct 29, 2015
    Oh please. People saying that the "establishment" doesn't like Sanders are either A: assuming there's only 1 bad guy, and 2: Being incredibly naive.

    The government would love nothing more than be able to tax you to death. As much as the Left (I consider myself a moderate who's slowly becoming a grumpy conservative) will tell you that it's a "LOL FOX NEWS" lie, if Bernie uses Wall Street as his bottom b----, as with corporations, they will simply tell Bernie to f--- off. They have America by the balls because without the money they generate we'd be f-----.

    It's not like I want to s--- corporate c---, it's just...we, or, the people who aren't in the inner circle, have no leverage. I'd love to go all k--- people burn s--- f--- school on those who personify greed, but it is suicidal.
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    Jun 16, 2024