Best Posts: Sleep Paralysis

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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Feb 3, 2024
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  2. Minato
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    Feb 3, 2024
    Yes, many times. Started when I was 14 and I still get it to this day. Most recently was in December. The worst time I swear I was milliseconds from death. Usually I just can’t move or scream. It’s like just laying there with a heavy pressure on your chest and throat. Time don’t even feel really cuz it feels like an eternity of just laying there paralyzed. I never had hallocinations, it’s just you could feel something was there. The worst time when I thought I died and I heard some whispers
    Sep 20, 2024
  3. gdot
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    Feb 4, 2024
    Multiple experiences. (Side note: since I stopped smoking weed all the time I haven’t had an episode. It’s been at least a decade.)

    First time I experienced it the dream was terrifying and extremely violent. I woke up in my room and couldn’t move. I then fell to the floor thinking I was having a heart attack. Then slowly came to and was still in my bed to my surprise.

    the next time I woke up on the couch and could hear people walking around but couldn’t move, couldn’t cry for help, I was horrified. But slowly I was able to come to.

    this led me to google the symptoms (this was around 2009, never heard of sleep paralysis before then).

    I had many experiences after that, seeing the dark figure people speak of, awake but still asleep, etc.

    The most notable experience I had and one of the last:

    I had a strange dream… involving a car accident. I woke up and saw a dark figure in the corner of my room. Couldn’t snap out of it, couldn’t move. My roommate at the time came in and said he was getting in the shower and going to a mutual friends. All the while I can’t move or speak.

    slowly I come to… my roommate walks in and says he’s getting in the shower and going to a friends. Deja Vu. This freaked me the f--- out, I didn’t feel right at all and told him about the experience. I decided to go with him to our friends house because I couldn’t just sit at home after that.

    Fast forward a week later, I’m picking a buddy up from out of town. Texting and driving. As I look up I notice the area is eerily similar to the accident that occurred in my dream. I instantly got paranoid and began focusing on the road. A moment or two later a huge buck shoots out from the field. I had to swerve to avoid hitting him and his head struck the side of my driver door. I was shook to the core.

    if it wasn’t for that dream that deer would’ve went straight through my windshield.

    idk what the f--- sleep paralysis is… I don’t believe in much paranormal or spiritual s---. Maybe all of that was just a coincidence, but til this day it gives me chills when I think on it. It may have saved my life.

    That being said, I’m glad I haven’t had an episode in years.
    Sep 20, 2024
  4. Tom Brady
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    Feb 3, 2024
    A few times when I was in my teens. First time I could see someone standing at the foot of my bed, but couldn’t make out any details of their face. Couldn’t talk, couldn’t move, I had no idea what was happening. It felt like the person was making fun of me for being incapacitated. The second time they moved to the side of my bed next to me. Definitely scary.
    Ordinary Joel, jankland and gdot like this.
    Ordinary Joel, jankland and gdot like this.
    Sep 20, 2024
  5. Tone Riggz
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    Feb 3, 2024
    Had it once years ago after laying on the sofa. I just remember my eyes being open but I couldn’t move or talk. I was trying to yell but I couldn’t. I know people reference a presence or some s---. It wasn’t like that for me. I just couldn’t move or speak and I was actively trying to yell. After a minute or two, I snapped out of it. It was definitely scary and I have avoided laying down on sofas ever since.
    Ordinary Joel, jankland and Worm like this.
    Ordinary Joel, jankland and Worm like this.
    Sep 20, 2024
  6. parentaladvisory
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    Feb 3, 2024
    h--- yeah, I see you know the truth
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    Ordinary Joel, jankland and BIGFOOT like this.
    Sep 20, 2024