Politics Texas Republican Lawmakers Seek to Ban 850 Books From Being Taught In School

Started by Enigma, Oct 28, 2021, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Dec 12, 2021
    That is mad but I assume that’s in context with how much the virus affects younger people in comparison.
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    Dec 12, 2021
    Yes, since none of those people are actual white nationalists. Trump is a con man, and Greene is more idiot than ideologue. As for Rittenhouse, to all appearances he's just an ordinary kid who, bravely or moronically, tried to play hero and ended up getting smeared by hacks for it. Whether you think he was in the right or in the wrong, certainly he's a far cry from a Dylann Roof or a Brenton Tarrant. No, I see the party embracing cranky conspiracy theories and celebrating meaningless "victories", and if anything becoming less racist every day.
    When your best example of a supposedly ideologically racist mainstream Republican is a bumbling Q bimbo, you know you're desperate to make your case.
    Trump just said those things to get elected and score political points against his opposition, not to build a white nationalist coalition. And again, even progressives don't scruple to use racist rhetoric if it helps them get what they want.
    And yet they would agree with you completely that white nationalism is evil. Your original claim that conservatives oppose antiracism because they see it as a threat to their white identity is just patently false. You're thinking of the dissident racist right, which is something very different from mainstream conservatism, and which Richard Spencer has accurately called "an unnecessary little brother of MAGA". The racist right has no real power or influence in American politics. In other words, you've been duped.
    Fine, fine, but can't you just f---ing admit you had a massive brain fart earlier instead of trying to cover it up with this goalpost-shifting screed?
    I seriously doubt a majority of Americans want this.
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  3. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Dec 12, 2021
    You’re missing the point. You don’t need to be a complete ideologue to spew white nationalist rhetoric or talking points. Donald Trump is an idiot who’s entirely self-serving but his willingness to use white identity as tool for political gain is evident via his baseless fear mongering of immigrants & people of color. It’s not just just him either: as I said the Republican Party has been doing this for decades. Trump was just more willing to say some of the quiet stuff/dog whistles more bluntly. Im not talking about Kyle Rittenhouse as a person, I’m saying the willingness for the conservative media apparatus to treat him like this hero is evident. Had he killed two people at a Trump rally, do you think he’d be getting the same treatment from these people? No. They’re parading him precisely because he killed people at a BLM protest. People that need to be “put in place” for lack of a better term.

    She’s one of the most popular Republican representatives in Congress. There’s already talks about giving her leadership positions in Congress when Republicans win it back. She’s received endorsements & praise from Trump who is the face/leader of the party. How is this desperate? This is who the Republican Party is now.

    This may be true but don’t you understand this has trickle-down effect? Trump amping up white anxiety & pointing the finger at people of color as the boogeyman is going to effect the attitudes/opinions those people have of people of color. It’s going to embolden actual white supremacist/extremists to take action. 4 years later, after Charlottesville & January 6th, I don’t know how you can still sit here & pretend things politicians say don’t matter.

    No one is shifting goal posts lol what?

    We don’t have a direct democracy & I never suggested we did. Biden/Democrats ran on passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act & For the People Act in 2020. Voters gave them majorities in Congress + White House. Republicans continue to be an obstacle in passing very sensible pro-democracy reforms.
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  4. reservoirGod
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    reservoirGod reckless adventurer.

    Dec 12, 2021
    Space Monkey admitting Trump is a conman null and voids 5 years of his arguments.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2021
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    Dec 13, 2021
    I didn't say Trump used white nationalist rhetoric, I said he used racist rhetoric – and this distinction is not insignificant. His remarks on Mexican criminals ("rapists") paralleled Hillary Clinton's on black criminals ("superpredators") not, say, William Pierce's on exterminating nonwhites globally. He wasn't so much dog whistling to white nationalists as he was saying exactly what the populist white working class at the time wanted to hear.
    Yeah, Fox News really says that, LOL. Crazy you actually believe this s---. Anyway, neither Rittenhouse nor his conservative fans are white nationalists, so how is this relevant?
    Learn how to read. I didn't say she wasn't popular, I said she was a Q Tard. Q Tards and white nationalists are completely different animals.
    There you go moving the goalpost again. You really are desperate. Whether Trump somehow inadvertently played a role in "emboldening" white nationalists to protest the removal of a statue is a separate question from whether modern-day conservatives are white nationalists – which isn't a question at all, since it's plainly not reality. Recall Trump explicitly denounced those very fine people (I said it) and STILL got flak for it from his own party because he bungled his speech by appearing to praise white nationalists:


    (Obviously, whether he was right that some of the rightist protesters weren't white nationalists is irrelevant.)

    How do you explain that if Republicans are white nationalists? As I said before, you have to read beyond headlines.

    On the other hand, there's plenty of evidence Trump was at least partly responsible for 1/6. But that was a QAnon thing, nothing to do with white nationalism. Again, very different things.
    I was referring to the idea of allowing prison inmates to vote. Even a majority of Democrats voted against it recently:


    These ideas aren't super popular:


    Anyway, what's this got to do with the article on left-wing authoritarianism? Any thoughts on it, my extremely authoritarian amigo?
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2021
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  6. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Dec 13, 2021
    Demonizing immigrants; pointing to them as the root of issues in the United States while depicting them as an “invading” force; and emphasizing how we need to “take back our country/make America great again” is not white nationalist rhetoric? How? Again, Donald Trump doesn’t need to be an ideologue to spew white nationalist rhetoric. He’s a selfish man who does whatever it takes to benefit himself & if that means demonizing people of color & regurgitating white nationalist talking points, he’ll do it. And that’s what he did.

    The difference is Clinton made that comment 20 years prior in 1996 & apologized for it. Trump continues to use this kind of rhetoric today.

    You don’t see the relevance in the Republican elites willingly parading around an 18 year old & praising him because he killed 2 people at a BLM protest? It perfectly illustrates the position the Republican Party has taken re: African-American struggle for Civil Rights.

    Which demonstrates I support even more ambitious democracy reforms than the political party I align with. You tried to claim I don’t care about democracy either: that obviously isn’t true.

    It was Q people who tried to overturn the election on January 6th & stormed the Capitol. These communities most definitely overlap & you def know this.
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    Dec 13, 2021
    Again you confuse populism with white nationalism. Superficially similar in some ways, but not the same. If it was, there wouldn't be so many nonwhites in this country with populist attitudes. Even many Latinos, including Latino immigrants, are against illegal immigration.
    Irrelevant to my point. Learn how to debate.
    This isn't happening, except in your imagination.
    Call them pro-democracy reforms if you like, but the fact is activists like you are willing to do whatever it takes to get them passed, even smearing conservatives as white supremacists. There's nothing democratic about that.
    Once again, only in your loco imagination.
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  8. reservoirGod
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    reservoirGod reckless adventurer.

    Dec 13, 2021
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  9. reservoirGod
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    reservoirGod reckless adventurer.

    Dec 13, 2021
    I mean Ashli Babbitt was a Qanon true believer... the QANON Shaman... most of the high profile Jan 6th Insurrectionist are Qanon weirdos with the exception of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and 3 Percenters.

    What they all have in common and in common with Space Monkey are they are weak minded fantasy driven LARPERs took advantaged by con men.

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2021
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  10. reservoirGod
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    reservoirGod reckless adventurer.

    Dec 13, 2021
    If Space Monkey had enough money he would have traveled to DC for January 6th and could be in jail rn while Trump is using him and his other victims to raise money for himself.

    Space Monkey 100% believed every lie Trump spewed until a couple months ago.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2021
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  11. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Dec 13, 2021
    Right-wing populism often overlaps with white nationalist sentiment. I’m not sure there’s even a meaningful distinction here. Their boogeymen are often very similar if not the same. Many white nationalists call themselves populists just to try to avoid the scrutiny. Being against illegal immigration isn’t necessarily white nationalist or populist. It’s the demonization of those immigrants that makes it white nationalistic.

    You’re trying to argue that the Democratic Party uses similar racist rhetoric & you did that by bringing up a comment from over 20 years ago when I’m talking about the current status of the Republican Party.

    You were duped by the dumbest conman in the world for 4 years & it’s showing.

    These things literally have nothing to do with each other. People calling you mean names has nothing to do with democracy. What are you even talking about?

    Again, either willful ignorance or just plain naive. A large percentage of people who believe the 2020 election was stolen undoubtedly believe in Great Replacement Theory nonsense or something similar.
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    Dec 14, 2021
    But you would have to go back 5 years before Trump was even elected to find something he said that was even remotely "white nationalistic". His actual presidency was marked by vague populism and QAnon-esque conspiracy theories. He never intended to deport all illegals. Hence my original point stands: Conservatives today are not any more meaningfully racist than progressives. In fact, both are antiracist to the core.
    And if you wanted to be consistent you would have admitted Hillary Clinton used white nationalist rhetoric (by your definition) but instead you just made excuses for her and continued to exaggerate the racism of Republicans.
    Dumb con men don't become US presidents. But if I was duped, so were you. How long did it take you to figure out Trump wasn't actually Hitler? And before you deny it, your hero WPG, whose every word you used to hang on, called him a white supremacist, LOL.
    Sure they do. You support allowing felons and prisoners to vote because you think it would give you more Democrat voters, and you think Republicans are preventing these reforms from getting passed by fear mongering about POC. Thus, this has more to do with the pro-POC, anti-white agenda than with "democracy":
    Moving the goal post again. Again, the people who stormed the Capitol were not white nationalists. Only an ignoramus would claim otherwise.
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  13. Enigma
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    Dec 14, 2021
    Almost everything I’ve mentioned in my past several posts re: Trump have been things he’s said either when he was running for president or was president. There’s nothing QAnon-esque about demonizing immigrants. That’s just racism & white nationalism.

    I’d be fine calling her comment white nationalist or white supremacist rhetoric. Making largely young black men look to be animalistic or beast-like definitely has a long history in the U.S. Again, the difference here is that Clinton made these remarks over 20 years ago & has since apologized & acknowledged her wrongdoing. Trump continues to use this rhetoric today.

    You type this as if there wasn’t an insurrection attempt led by Donald Trump a little less than a year ago. Dude very obviously wanted to be an authoritarian but thankfully, he was too fucken stupid & lazy to actually be successful. I raised the alarms about this from the beginning, you laughed it off.

    You keep trying to get me with these gotchas. I also support Puerto Rico statehood who had a Republican Governor until this year. Not sure how allowing ex-cons & inmates to vote is “anti-white” but okay…

    Many Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, 6 precenters etc. would definitely identify themselves as white nationalists.
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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Dec 14, 2021
    All’s I’m going to say is this: LOL
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    Dec 14, 2021
    He was talking about MS13 there you idiot. They ARE animals lol. Whereas you're demonizing and animalizing totally normal people simply because they're not antiracist enough for you (antiracist though they are). That's what I'm calling antiwhite.
    Please. The Proud Boys were so desperate to not be seen as racist they appointed an African mestizo as their figurehead. None of those groups have anything to do with WN. You're either profoundly ignorant on this subject or you're spreading propaganda or both. In any case you're a f---ing moron and a waste of my and everyone else's time here. Please f--- off already loser.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  16. funkymonkey
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    funkymonkey resident autist

    Feb 8, 2022
    it's actually quite the opposite. republicans are removing these books, seeing as texas is a red state by a wide margin, dallas is really the only blue city. these are things that you would have known if you actually did research and didn't just jump to the conclusion that "liberal bad." Back to the point, texas is removing these books because of the LGBTQIA+ nature of them, at least most of them, and there is racsim in there too, don't worry, I know you conservatives love that stuff.
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  17. funkymonkey
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    Feb 8, 2022
    oh my god we have a winner for the award of an educated person, the first on the forum i might add.
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  18. funkymonkey
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    Feb 8, 2022
    and here we have a prime example of an old, white, actually slow, republican man.
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  19. joeyp363
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    Feb 8, 2022
    Why? Because I think the Bible should be taught in school? It’s not an unpopular opinion.
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  20. funkymonkey
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    funkymonkey resident autist

    Feb 8, 2022
    not only is the bible already taught in private schools, which parents have the right and choice to send their children to, but the fact you think it should be taught in school is literally against the constitution. the first amendment, to be exact. quote, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
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    Jun 16, 2024