The 'British Rock' Thread

Started by Peter Parker, Dec 6, 2014, in Music Add to Reading List

  1. Peter Parker
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    Peter Parker your boy

    Dec 6, 2014
    Hello guys

    The UK gave birth to many of the best bands of all time. From the mid 60's, we have numerous bands that made an impact in rock, punk, progressive, post punk, indie, and other variations and sub-genres. Some of the bands perfected their respective sound, some even changed the game, some were 1-ht-wonders, some make 'hipster music' and some are too old for some to care, but we do, right?

    The purpose of this thread is to (re)discover some of the rock music that was made there. The plan is simple: An album or a song per post, a few words/info about the band, and recommended albums/songs, or influences, or anything you could say about them, either it's the reason you relate to a particular song of theirs, or how much you hate them for that other album that was below expectations, etc. We could make a playlist with the songs posted, that's a nice idea appearing in other threads (props to @CharlieWork)

    Ok I'll start this thread now, and depending on the interest we'll see if we keep up; if not, I guess it'll die and I'll post in the Other Song thread.

    Two Words: Joy Division
    Curtis, Sumner, Hook, Morris. These guys were Joy Division in the distant 1977 (with a different name at that time, Warsaw). They managed to release 2 studio albums, in 1979 and 1980. Both their studio albums are essential listens, I think. After listening to Joy Division for the first time, I'm pretty sure that you'll find glimpses of them in different bands. In 1980, shortly after they released their sophomore album, Ian Curtis commited suicide. The rest of the members kept making music together under a different name, but that's another story.

    Today's story is this gem, that was released after Curtis' suicide:

    Darkness, sadness, cold, pain, failure and other joyful words come to mind when you listen to their songs; nothing hit me as hard as this one though. They sometimes sound mysterious, they often haunt you, or they cut the power off while you're in an elevator. They're punk, they're aggressive, they're on drugs; in this record, they were, simply, humans.


    Last edited: Dec 7, 2014
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  2. golddust
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    Dec 6, 2014

    pioneers of hard rock/ heavy metal
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2014
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  3. Charlie Work
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    Charlie Work Level 5 Goblin

    Dec 7, 2014
    The foundation:

    The Beatles dabbling in proto metal resulted in perhaps my favorite song by them. I haven't heard any earlier track that makes me want to head b---.

    I'll make the playlist when I can.
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  4. Peter Parker
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    Peter Parker your boy

    Dec 7, 2014
    Is there something that the Beatles haven't tried? I love almost everything they put out since Help!, Help! included. Previous stuff was meh, generally. Good song, haven't listened to it in a while.

    edit: added the playlist, it's easy to make. I didn't find Helter Skelter by the Beatles, only covers, so I uploaded it, when it showes I'll add it too

    Dope choices, especially Perfect Strangers. My favourite is Child In Time I think, the vocals in this one are terrific, and I still remember the first time that I listened to it.

    Ah, they're also responsible for the first song everyone learns to play in guitar!
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  5. Peter Parker
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    Peter Parker your boy

    Dec 8, 2014

    Fluorescent Adolescent was the first Arctic Monkeys song that I listened to. Since then, I've been following them pretty closely (closely enough to learn and get really mad at Matt Helders saying that he nearly fell asleep at the wheel while listening to a Radiohead album, someone kick him out of the band pls!!).

    Since 2005 they've released many projects: 5 short EP's filled with gems, and 5 albums (based on the Arctic Monkeys folder in my hard drive, I think I have it all). Their lyrics changed as the Monkeys started to change, but they maintained a high quality level during their careers: is Humbug their best album? Is it their debut? What about s--- It And See?

    If I had to choose a favourite, that'd be s--- It And See, but their discography is really solid, and imo places them among the better bands of the recent years, and really worth your attention for more than one song.
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