Things that are coming up...and things you need to know

Started by Oldboy, Nov 23, 2014, in Announcements Add to Reading List

  1. Oldboy
    Posts: 50,796
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    Oldboy Administrator

    Dec 17, 2014
    you have to click the share in the bottom then it will appear

    but i think hasman will overdo the entire thing?
    0 0
    Jun 16, 2024
  2. Mike Tyson
    Posts: 20,021
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    Mike Tyson big cuntry's alias

    Dec 17, 2014
    Word, the blog is in the works right now and I've developed an early mock up of it. It looks pretty good. The thing is, I've been lucky to develop one successful blog already so I know how much commitment it takes. I'm not willing to launch it until we have everything in motion, and that includes a dedicated staff to run it.

    I'll be heading the blog with a couple other friends who are working with other major blogs currently. Until I can get their commitment though, I won't be launching it. I'm expecting an ETA or 2-4 months.
    DKC, Peter Parker and Kevin like this.
    DKC, Peter Parker and Kevin like this.
    Jun 16, 2024