Politics UK Votes To Leave EU (Cameron Has Resigned)

Started by Flacko, Apr 8, 2016, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. Flacko
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    Flacko Too Blessed To Be Humble

    Jun 20, 2016
    Australian points system
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  2. Radeem
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    Radeem I listen to people smarter than me

    Jun 21, 2016
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  3. Lamont
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    Jun 21, 2016
    L o L.. do you live in England or any of these countries being affected by stupid immigration laws?

    its far from just the culture reforming
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  4. Giraffe
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    Jun 21, 2016
    I dont see why some people don't understand that an open border is never a good idea, how can you ever plan ahead when you cannot even predict what the future population will be?
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  5. gorealsteady
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    gorealsteady heal & create

    Jun 21, 2016
    I do and you're wrong
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  6. Lamont
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    Jun 21, 2016

    you will see that these immigration laws are a big mistake and they will only harm these countries in the long run

    Just like they would any time you inject Muslims into countries where that ideology is not compatible, there are bad repercussions when this is done in large numbers and when a lot of them dont bring a lot to the table skill wise or value wise they end up being a burden. you create ghettos where only muslims live and they refuse to integrate accordingly. But perhaps you know this
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  7. gorealsteady
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    gorealsteady heal & create

    Jun 21, 2016
    Are you saying you don't believe in freedom of expression and belief?
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  8. Winter
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    Winter Super Comfy

    Jun 21, 2016
    I feel like we're pretty much obligated to take Syrian immigrants in since we're bombing their homes and therefore partly responsible for them becoming refugees in the first place

    Kinda cold to blow their houses up and leave 'em for dead
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  9. Lamont
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    Jun 21, 2016
    Lol. Yes, in America thats what we believe in. The thing is, the version of Islam that is allowed in America, is the moderate version, it does not include Sharia, it's arguably not the full version of Islam. it is nowhere near as extreme compared to the versions allowed in the middle east. We as Americans rightfully separate religion with state, but certain Muslims don't.

    Also, Islam itself doesn't believe in freedom of expression and belief, just so you understand. Some of them believe that Christians, atheists and gays should be executed. They treat women like property. There are imams in the UK that believe in Sharia law and are pushing for that to made legal. That s--- will never happen in the USA because we have better immigration laws.

    Now you see why some people say islam is not compatible with america or the UK
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  10. gorealsteady
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    Jun 21, 2016
    In our countries they'll abide to our laws. As we would in theirs. Not that difficult to understand mate.

    Stop with the xenophobia lol
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  11. Lamont
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    Jun 21, 2016
    you're overlooking the fact that the core of islam does not agree with your laws or my laws

    it's actually pretty funny, how you are ignoring that.

    so they succumb to a more moderate version but there are imams pushing for the more extremist view and that s--- is leeching into your country

    its not xenophobia, whats xenophobia is when muslims execute christians and gays and non believers
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  12. gorealsteady
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    gorealsteady heal & create

    Jun 21, 2016
    What's xenophobia is mingling facts with fear

    American soldiers have killed thousands of innocent people too.. don't see any fuzz being made about that though
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  13. Lamont
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    Jun 21, 2016
    Why don't you refute my post instead of deflecting? Do muslims execute people who are not muslims? is that not the definition of xenophobia? lol your argument fails when you are defending an ideology that does not even agree with your way of life. Talking about Sharia law isn't mingling facts with fear, by the way.
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  14. Flacko
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    Flacko Too Blessed To Be Humble

    Jun 21, 2016
    Sharia Law will never happen in the UK lol.
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    Jun 17, 2024
  15. gorealsteady
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    Jun 21, 2016
    I did but you're too self-indulged to see that i've refuted everything you said.

    Every religion has a law, but our nations seperate religion from state. As long as we believe in those values, they won't have any choice but to abide by our rules.

    Mind you many muslims aren't here because they want to, they've fled from war-torn countries. Often destabilized by the West.
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  16. Lamont
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    Jun 21, 2016
    you aren't specifically addressing anything that I'm saying. You're just going with the emotionally charged route by claiming xenophobia, when Muslims themselves practice xenophobia in their own country. You have no answer for that.

    Once again - Muslim countries do not separate religion from state. When you inject so many Muslims from that part of the world into your country, and tell them they have to completely change their values, often times, they become a burden to society. It's pretty funny that you are just assuming that they will abide to your rules. That's foolish to think like that, and it's already not happening in some of these European countries. When these people aren't valuable workers, aren't willing to assimilate, aren't educated, some can't speak english.. Putting this many will just create ghettos in the co

    They should stay in they own country instead of eating up our resources

    Not yet, but its a fact that there are Muslims pushing for it.
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  17. gorealsteady
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    Jun 21, 2016
    Actually, there isn't anything you've said that hasn't been refuted by my previous posts. If you insist that i answer you again, i'll have to repeat myself.

    Muslims have their own religious rules. They are no exception from any of the religions in that they have a law deriven from a certain "holy" text. I never denied this. I also never denied xenophobia being rampant in their societies. What i am saying is: you can't say you believe in freedom of expression and belief yet wanting to ban any certain group of people based on their faith or ethnicity.. You can only incriminate people who don't abide by your countries' given law. Simple as that. If you decide to turn Xenophobic, then you are no better than the ones you claim to detest.

    Also since most of them come from active warring countries it would be inhumane to ask them to go back and be killed. Partly because we are directly involved in those conflicts ourselves.
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  18. Giraffe
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    Jun 21, 2016
    There are some extremists in the UK but most Muslims in the UK do integrate- I mean the mayor of London is a Muslim and not only does he not want Sharia law but he is also fine with his daughters not wearing a Hijab. There is an integration issue though but that can be helped with immigrants having to be able to speak English before they come which isn't a requirement under the EU. But, the real issue is the numbers of people tbh
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  19. gorealsteady
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    Jun 21, 2016
    The problem with the Middle East is that its so instable because of the world's conflicting interests.

    We live in a globalized world and since we need resources we are likely to never leave them alone.

    The Middle East takes centre stage in almost every foreign political debate of the last 4/5 decades and it won't slow down any time soon.
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  20. Pato v3
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    Pato v3 exilio

    Jun 21, 2016
    Want to start my comment by stating that I literally don't know anything about the main subject of this thread (Brixet), just wanted to debunk this moronic argument

    The goverment of these countries is NOT taking the precautions needed to adapt these refugees to western society and prefer to push a pathetic PC narrative to fit their interests and neglect the major issues that take part of that

    They choose to segregate them socially and watch as they hurt not only the natural born citizens of these nations but their own group

    Nobody wants to ban them because of their faith or ethnicity, that'd be absolutely insane: The conflict here is the religion itself, its beliefs, the Quran and how it has managed to brainwash and destroy the lives of millions of people: West (current Europe, specially Sweden), rich middle east (EUA, Qatar, Saudi Arabia) poor middle east (Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan), etc.

    I find it disgusting how people like you try to push this f---ing argument without reflecting about the true consequences of such disingenuous POV
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    Jun 17, 2024