Wrestling (WrestlingBros) How Would You Book Balor Club?

Started by Sign Language, Mar 5, 2017, in Sports Add to Reading List

  1. Sign Language
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    Mar 5, 2017
    This is the first of my weekly threads. They'll range from fantasy bookings, what ifs, and a variety of other things. Anyway, hope you enjoy @WrestlingBros

    Alright boys, here is the first topic we're gonna discuss, Balor Club!
    Ever since news broke about the NJPW talent raid by WWE that saw AJ Styles, Karl Anderson, and Doc Gallows join the company, fans have been speculating that WWE would form and push its version of the famous Bullet Club, known as Balor Club. Surprisingly, and to the disappointment of the fans, WWE has yet to pull the trigger.

    How Would You Book Balor Club?
    Seeing as though WWE has yet to pull the trigger and form the stable, how would you form/book them?

    Some things to consider:
    • Who All Would Be in Balor Club?
    • When would they debut?
    • Would all members debut at once?
    • Would You Have Balor Club On Both Brands, or Be a Brand Exclusive?
    • Who would be the leader?
    I would have Balor Club on both brands. Balor would lead Raw, Styles would lead Smackdown

    Members would be:
    Finn Balor (Raw)
    Karl Anderson (Raw)
    Doc Gallows (Raw)
    Asuka (Raw)
    AJ Styles (Smackdown)
    Shinsuke Nakamura (Smackdown)

    Here is my detailed booking of their debut (lengthy): ​
    I would debut them at WM33 during (hopefully) the triple threat match for the WWE Championship featuring AJ Styles, Bray Wyatt, and Randy Orton. Towards the end of the match, Styles hits Wyatt with the Phenomenal Forearm. As he is getting up to make the pin, Orton is seen behind him motioning for the RKO, when suddenly the lights go out. Five seconds later the lights come back on to reveal three masked men standing in the ring , two of which are holding a dazed Orton back by the arms. The masked man who isn't holding Orton back makes his way towards a confused AJ Styles. They stand face to face for a good ten seconds, when the masked man finally reveals himself to be a returning Finn Balor. Both Styles and Balor simultaneously smile and do the Balor Club sign (horned finger sign). They then turn and point to a dazed Randy Orton. Styles beats up on Orton while the two other masked men hold him back, hitting the Styles clash on Orton shortly after. With a battered Orton on the ground, Balor climbs up to the top rope, makes the motion of shooting a pistol with his fingers to Orton, then hits the Coup De Grace. The two masked men then pull of their masks to reveal themselves to be Anderson and Gallows. The four men then touch fingers doing the Balor Club Sign and Wrestlemania goes off the air.

    The next night on Raw, Finn Balor and Anderson and Gallows walk out to Finn Balor's theme with 'Balor Club' on the titantron to open the show. They then cut a promo that says something along the lines of "We've been waiting until the right time to do this. Everyone has seem to forgotten what a force we can be, and mark our words, no one is safe from Balor Club!". Later on in the show, Charlotte comes to the ring to cut a promo, saying things like "Time after time, I have proven myself to be superior to every other woman on this Raw roster. Last night at Wrestlemania I won that fatal four way match, beating Sasha, beating Nia Jax, and beating Bailey! There is no one left to face me. I have proven that I am unstoppable. If anyone else dares to challenge me, then get your a--- to this ring right now." Charlotte looks down at the entrance ramp for about thirty seconds, only for nobody to show up. She then begins to do that classic heel laugh when all of a sudden a masked woman comes from behind her and applies a submission that looks like the Asuka Lock, to the point where Charlotte passes out. The masked woman then stands up and takes off her mask to reveal herself to be Asuka. She then picks up the Raw Women's Championship, points to it, then points back at herself, throwing the belt on Charlotte shortly after. The Balor Club music then begins to play, with Balor Club walking out of the crowd clapping. They enter the ring, do the Balor Club sign with Asuka, Raw goes off the air.

    Next night on Smackdown, AJ styles comes out and does a celebratory promo. Shortly after Orton comes out (not wyatt because in this timeline he kayfabe goes insane from the house burning and not being able to redeem Abigail at WM). Orton then calls Styles out for winning by interference. After some back and forth bickering, they begin to brawl. When suddenly a masked man runs in from the crowd, beats Orton to a pulp with a kendo stick. The man then takes off his mask to reveal himself to be Shinsuke Nakamura, helps Styles up, they do the Balor Club Sign, and Smackdown carries on from there.

    I'd have AJ as WWE champion, Shinsuke as IC Champion, Finn as Universal Champion, Anderson and Gallows as Raw Tag Team Champions, and Asuka as Raw Women's Champion in terms of the stable "holdin the gold".

    That is how I would debut Balor Club, consisting of:
    Finn Balor (Raw)
    Karl Anderson (Raw)
    Doc Gallows (Raw)
    Asuka (Raw)
    AJ Styles (Smackdown)
    Shinsuke Nakamura (Smackdown)
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2017
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  2. Alpha
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    Mar 5, 2017
    I would book them after Wrestlemania, because it's the start of the new season and what better way to start the new season by having BC reunite (AJ, Finn, Karl & Gallows) Just the original members and make them all title holders, maybe AJ as WWE champion, Balor as universal title, Karl & Gallows with their tag titles. Have them dominate and take over everything and run things. However, I wouldn't book them all to debut at once, I'd make this scenario where one thing leads to another until they all come along together.
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  3. Epitome
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    Mar 5, 2017
    Definitely...they have to be treated like the nWo.

    Have them be a stable of indi guys (could even have KO and Joe turn on HHH and join) who are only there to cause chaos and destroy the company from the inside out.

    A well booked BC could definitely bring "cool" bsck to WWE again.

    Edit: Great booking @Sign Language
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  4. Sign Language
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    Mar 5, 2017
    Thanks man :VnceSmrkg:

    And i meant to put what title each member would hold like @Wzzi did. Imma put that in real quick.
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  5. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    Mar 5, 2017
    I'll do this when I have time
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  6. tomroe93
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    Mar 6, 2017
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  7. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    Mar 6, 2017
    I would wait to book them into a storyline until around Summerslam 2017. Before the PPV before Summerslam (Whatever it is, we'll call it PPV1), they'll probably have been a draft of some sort (I know, it sucks, eh, whatever.), that's basically an accepted reality at this point. For purpose of this booking I'll say instead of a full draft it'll be a reshuffle, and somehow AJ ends up on Raw (where The Club and Balor is).

    Balor should be Universal Champ by this point.

    So the buildup to PPV1 begins following the draft reshuffle, so que the backstage segment harking back to last Summerslam, where The Club (incl. AJ) are talking backstage about being on the show and 'getting the band back together', when camera pans to show Finn Balor with his universal title. He is face. Anderson tells Finn it's time they all join together and make The Club's presence felt in America. Gallows tells him that Finn is too big-time and corporate now to join The Club. AJ tells him now that they're all on the same show, they'll be watching his back regardless of if he watches theirs. Finn tells them he doesn't need their help.

    Fast forward a few weeks, Finn is defending his title against some filler B PPV opponent at PPV1, maybe some sort of underdog that is getting the upper-hand on him during the final minutes of the match. Sure enough, Gallows and Anderson come in and distract the referee, while AJ delivers a 450 splash or something, allowing Finn Balor to get the pin.

    The next night on Raw, The Club come down to the ring and cut a promo about how Finn may have requested they not get involved in his matches, but in The Club 'blood runs deeper'. Finn comes down to the ring and tells them that he wants no part of them interfering on his behalf in his matches, 'or else'.

    The main event of Raw is a rematch for the title with said underdog from PPV1, and the match largely follows the same events. Again, The Club run interference and seal the victory of Finn, much to his disdain.

    The next week on Raw, Finn cuts a promo and says he's had enough of it, and he wants to face all three of The Club tonight in a match to stop this nonsense. Stephanie McMahon says she can't allow her Champion to fight in a handicap match like that, and requires he get two teammates.

    Main event rolls around and out come The Club. Finn makes his entrance, and introduces his tag team partners. Debuting from NXT, The Revival! Finn Balor and The Revival go on to win the match handedly.

    The next week on Raw, AJ Styles says there seems to be a misunderstanding in the club, and it's about time four of them hash things out. Finn comes down to ringside and says that AJ must be mistaken, and there are no longer four men involved, for he is starting his own Club with The Revival as well. After some bickering back and forth, the two decide on a singles match for the Universal title at Summerslam, AJ vs. Finn. Stipulation being if AJ wins, Finn and The Revival must join The Club, and if Finn wins, The Club must disband effective immediately!

    Summerslam arrives and The Revival have a match earlier in the night with Gallows and Anderson. The Revival win, becoming the new Raw tag team champions.

    Later in the night, the mid-show main event features AJ and Finn in a 25+ minute overbooking of a match with interference from both Gallows/Anderson and the Revival. In the end, Finn wins the match. The Club is disbanded.

    However...later on in the night during the Smackdown Championship main event, after (insert big time baby face winner here) defeats his opponent, he is attacked by all six members of The Balor Club.

    The Balor Club (consisting of Finn, AJ The Revival, and Gallows/Anderson) do their typical mauling of the competitor in the ring, complete with gun hand signals, etc. etc. Finn Balor heel turn.

    The next night on Raw, The Balor Club meets in the ring to talk about their dastardly deeds. Finn Balor explains that throughout this entire rivalry, he realized the opportunity before him. Instead of ruling one brand of the WWE with the top championship of Raw, forming The Balor Club would allow The Club to extend their reach over the entirety of the WWE. Stephanie McMahon comes out and explains that this is all fine and dandy, but WWE management can't allow The Club running overtop of the other brand while they're officially Raw superstars. Finn acknowledges this, and at this point AJ and Gallows/Anderson officially announce their resignation from WWE RAW. Essentially becoming the hottest free agents in WWE, and sure to garner contract offers from other promoters...such as (insert Smackdown GM here!). Stephanie scolds the Club from the entry ramp as the group escape through the fans. (establishing tweener fan fare)

    Later in the night we catch a s---t-style backstage segment where AJ and Gallows/Anders (dressed in civilian clothes) pack their bags and leave the arena.

    They then show up next week on Smackdown as the newest signees, and continue their feud with Smackdown champion as well as Smackdown Tag team champion.
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  8. Sign Language
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    Mar 6, 2017
    Great booking bro :clap:
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  9. tomroe93
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    Mar 6, 2017
    So instead of my doing mine in the present day, I'm going back in time to AJ's debut at the Royal Rumble last year.

    I'd have AJ be in the final three with Roman Reigns and Triple H. Throughout the match I'd have them pushing that Triple H hired AJ to take care of his business, which caps off with them eliminating Roman and being the final two. HHH nods at AJ, as if telling him to eliminate himself so HHH can be champion, and then AJ nods back at Triple H. Triple H looks confused, and then Gallows and Anderson come out from the crowd and crash the ring, beating the everloving s--- out of Triple H. They toss over Triple H, making AJ Styles the WWE Champion on his first night in the company. They are completely running s---, looking unstoppable. At Fast Lane, Gallows and Anderson win the tag titles and AJ beats Roman cleanly. Then at WrestleMania he faces Triple H, championship on the line. It'd be an epic back and forth match, no DQ. HHH looks like he's about to win and Gallows and Anderson rush the ring and begin to beat down Triple H. Before AJ can get up to make a cover, the lights go off and Finn Balor (no makeup or anything, just the leather jacket attire) runs down to the ring with the belief being that he's going to help Triple H and try to even the odds, due to the NXT connection. He helps HHH to his feet, and then

    The Club beat down Triple H some more, with no one coming out to help Triple H, and AJ retains the title.
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  10. tomroe93
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    Mar 6, 2017
    Figured I would continue to build on this.
    The dominance would continue, with Finn picking up the Intercontinental Championship, and eventually Cody Rhodes (he hadn't been released at this point) would join and pick up the United States Championship. They would destroy everyone in their paths. Later in the year, Triple H would finally return, wanting to put an end to the Bullet Club for good. He would put together a team to face them at Survivor Series, with all the titles on the line. The main event of Survivor Series is AJ, Gallows, Anderson, Finn, and Rhodes vs The Shield (Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose), Shinsuke Nakamura, and Samoa Joe. After a lengthy and hard fought match, Triple H's team would pick up the win, with Rollins winning the Heavyweight Championship, Reigns and Ambrose winning the tag titles, Nakamura winning the IC title and Joe winning the US title.
    At TLC, AJ would challenge Rollins for the WHC and tells The Club that he wants to do it on his own, but they interfere anyway, and it impacts the match negatively and Rollins ends up retaining. This causes a major rift between the group, namely between AJ and Finn over who the true leader of The Club is.
    Finn wins the Royal Rumble, and promises to bring the championship back to the Bullet Club.
    Fast Lane is replaced with Elimination Chamber (still operating under no brand split in my timeline) and AJ ends up winning the championship at Elimination Chamber, outlasting Rollins and the rest of his Survivor Series team, who was awarded their spots in the match for winning at Survivor Series.
    The next night on Raw, they would hype it up as Finn saying out of respect for The Club, he wouldn't face AJ at WrestleMania, yada yada, sort of what they did with Orton/Wyatt. Then when Styles and Finn are shaking hands, the other members of The Club start to beat down AJ, kicking him out of The Club, and calling AJ the true leader. This would set up the WrestleMania 33 main event, with now two time champion AJ Styles defending the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Finn Balor.
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