Big John
Posts 19
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About Big John

Most Posts - June

    1. pHiLLip fARkLe
      pHiLLip fARkLe May 17, 2011
      youre very stupid.
      so stupid you could blow your brain out with a blank.
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    2. pHiLLip fARkLe
      pHiLLip fARkLe May 8, 2011
      and youre an insecure pathetic excuse for a piece of s--- that projects all your own insecurities on others.

      low self esteem is a MFer.
      and yall say its gay to use words like dweeb but its cool to use internet slang like troll and tbh?

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    3. pHiLLip fARkLe
      pHiLLip fARkLe May 8, 2011
      apparantley you didnt get that i was initially insinuating you were poor with the ramen comment.
      "just cookin some pasta" you said...
      "ramen aint pasta" i say.
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    4. reservoirGod
      reservoirGod May 7, 2011
      I have 82 more likes than you! keep spamming with your s--- post... you'll never catchup... no one likes you.
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    5. NyKill
    6. sweetchika
      sweetchika May 5, 2011
      Thank You :D I Love It :D

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    7. pHiLLip fARkLe
      pHiLLip fARkLe May 2, 2011
      stop eating cheese sandwiches over your keyboard then ya f---in bum.
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    8. pHiLLip fARkLe
      pHiLLip fARkLe May 2, 2011
      you gunna get ballsy cuz 2 others are tryin to talk s---... youre pathetic.
      shrivel back up into your shell you f---in crab.
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    9. pHiLLip fARkLe
      pHiLLip fARkLe May 2, 2011
      you already said both those "jokes" you f---in repetetive reject.

      and youre everything your lame a--- just said in real life, not ONLY on studio leaks.
      k--- yourself.
      0 0
    10. pHiLLip fARkLe
      pHiLLip fARkLe May 2, 2011
      ahahahhahaha i cant take the dumb f---in reduntant jibber jabber comin from this f---in dumpster babies s--- hole?
      its funny how yall fa----s are either to broke or scared to come back at me with a video response. yall scared ima dig in your a----s even deeper.
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    11. Amarett
      Amarett Apr 29, 2011
      Farkle crying about your latest visitor message .... lmaooo .. he can't take it.
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    12. pHiLLip fARkLe
      pHiLLip fARkLe Apr 29, 2011
      and why your a--- always the top name on my visitors list?
      you got penis envy breh.
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    13. pHiLLip fARkLe
      pHiLLip fARkLe Apr 29, 2011
      ahahahah whatever helps you sleep at night and not eternally.
      whether its constantly repeating yourself and clapping and laughing like some dude with down syndrome...
      or its the f---in pen pals you make on the internet.

      you are a complete darsh.
      that is all.
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    14. pHiLLip fARkLe
      pHiLLip fARkLe Apr 29, 2011
      ahahahahhaahhaah at your fa---- a--- neggin...
      you know whats funny as s--- tho dweeb?

      is i had a pos that said "that f--ka big john acts lonely" hahahahahahahaha you lose ya f---in flame artist.
      just k--- yourself bro, all you live for is studio leaks beefs you f---in lame.
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    15. Omega
      Omega Apr 23, 2011
      Hey man, thanks for the congrats on my vet thread. Are we cool now?
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    16. LyricalSniper
      LyricalSniper Apr 22, 2011
      f--- you fa----
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    17. Tone Riggz
      Tone Riggz Apr 13, 2011
      I have over 100 Fat Beats videos...if you want to see them, do a youtube search of "Fat Beats toneriggz" and all of my videos should come up...there could be more potential Fat Beats videos this weekend, not sure yet...
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    18. Mano
      Mano Apr 12, 2011
      No problems
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    19. Johnny Blaze
      Johnny Blaze Apr 8, 2011
      thanks buddy :thumbup:
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    20. Johnny Blaze
      Johnny Blaze Apr 8, 2011
      you have both your spiderman i'm a boss and come at me bro avys in a bigger size? if so, got a link? they are epic.
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