Posts 15
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About BiSONN

  • Apr 28, 2011
  • Last Activity: Nov 10, 2023

Most Posts - June

    1. Mano
      Mano Jul 9, 2011
      lol if you'd rather have none that's ok too
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    2. M-5
      M-5 Jun 1, 2011
      Rofl looked at my visitor messages and realized I already asked you that. But yeah, f---ing amazing, can't WAIT to see how it plays out with Kavanaugh and the team.
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    3. M-5
      M-5 Jun 1, 2011
      Almost done with Season 5. You weren't kidding about Whitaker, EPIC character so far. Loving this show, definitely near my all-time faves. Does it stay consistently incredible through the last season?
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    4. reservoirGod
    5. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 15, 2011
      Getting waaay ahead of myself here, cant be taking on so many projects at once.. But, does this sound funny? The story of why detox is taking so long, made from breaking bad.. walt is dre, jesse is eminem, they are always "in the lab" trying to make a hit, and other "producers" come along in the form of d--- dealers ect, get killed for not having good enough beats or whatever.. just like a little 8-12 page short, I think it could have potential.. no?
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    6. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 14, 2011
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    7. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 14, 2011
      actually, as a whole that looks like s---, but I have an idea, and s----s starting to come to me. We got something real here.
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    8. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 14, 2011
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    9. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 14, 2011
      Call it:
      "The Forum"
      *All the reps matter*

      lolol I think im starting to like the idea
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    10. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 14, 2011
      THC/BiSONN = David Simon/Ed burns 2011 haha
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    11. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 14, 2011
      I actually think tho, that id have to do it like, um, as if we were viewing another forum, with characters weve never met, and not really have any actual SL members in it, maybe make some characters that are versions of posters here, but never explicitly stated thats who they were based on. It creates so many problems with the story and everything, I got lucky with SBZ, and stan hunter thats why I kinda strayed from the whole, adding in actual forum members, everyone wants to be in it and get pissed when they arent fit in. Its hard matching characters to specific people too, like I said I got lucky with the sbz thing.. Old man = noid. koolo, storys hero = goku. villan, very powerfull, msolo, alot of other characters I had to force, like dev as krillin and swizz as gohan. I can see alot of problems trying to relate the wire to SL specifically, but to like a general forum, in the same vein of SL/RB could work great..
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    12. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 14, 2011
      haha you have some good ideas, I like that stuff, I agree, theirs potential there with the reps. I gotta think on this some..
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    13. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 14, 2011
      yeah I just dont know how to come at the wire like that, I mean, I have no idea what kind of story ill be able to tell, originally I planned to tell "koolos rise to power" through omar, robbing people for tracks, I could almost do that again, as a spin off of sorts of SBZ I guess.. Or do you think it would be lame telling basically the same story twice? Other then that, im at a loss for what I could do with the wire, it would have to be relevant to the forum I think or people wouldnt like it as much.
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    14. M-5
      M-5 May 14, 2011
      I'm already almost through Season 1 of The Shield. You weren't kidding, this show is f---ing awesome. They had me from the last scene in the pilot, holy f--- lol. This seems like a show that progresses in quality as it goes along, though, so I'm pumped for the rest of it. Probably gonna be finished with this series before the month ends lol.
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    15. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 14, 2011
      Also, since I did the first one, ive wanted to do a wire one, I have no idea what kind of story to tell there tho, it would have to be like about the forum again somehow, with main characters as forum members, again, I have no idea how I would go about telling the story, maybe the mods and admins are the cops (but then that rules msolo and koolo out as marlo and string baah) and the d--- dealers are selling reps or something, but that sounds kinda gay and hard to pull off effectively..

      I dont know, maybe I should just worry about the final chapter of SBZ and put real work into that for now.
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    16. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 14, 2011
      Have you ever seen summer heights high? A show about this one guy who plays the three major characters, a dumbass class clown, gay drama teacher, and pretty girl. That one has definite potential for the troll story IMO, could be like he's pretending to be all three people, but every one knows this and can tell. Sometimes others play along, and sometimes they call him out, but he always denys it to the end that he is all 3.
      Still not sure how I would format it exactly, and dont know if im excited enough to move forward, but just some random thoughts I had about it I wanted to run past you.
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    17. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 13, 2011
      yeah I definitly feel you about the sopranos being too classy for that, and wasnt suggesting that, sorry I wrote it like that. Like I said the trolling idea is pretty rough, and I dont know if I like it enough to move on it, SBZ and SH I fell inlove with once I started thinking on them.. Next one I want to reaaally plan out, even with SH I did it as I went, off the top, with a rough idea in mind, the next would have a continuing story, levels, character arcs, all that good s---. Start with an idea, story board it, brain storm some s---, would out how to translate it through a show, pound out a f---ing classic lol..
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    18. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 13, 2011
      I had a very rough idea of a story about a guy who trolls IN REAL LIFE, like people do online, he takes it to the extreme, doing all kinds of weird s---, and people think he's an idiot. No vision past that, and that was just a rough idea that popped up, could be cool, could s--- a---.

      Other then that im a blank slate at the moment.
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    19. The Happy Chemical
      The Happy Chemical May 13, 2011
      I dont know what to do next brah.. SBZ, stan hunter.. I got another idea but no real way to tell it, plus it could be lame.. s--- is too fun tho :S

      If there was some story to tell through the sopranos....hmm
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