boyz n the suburbs
Posts 11,580
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About boyz n the suburbs

  • Jul 7, 2015
  • The Weeknd
  • Last Activity: Jan 17, 2020

Most Posts - June

    1. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 25, 2016
      This new Jarren Benton tape isn't bad tbh.
      1 1
      83837477 likes this.
    2. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 25, 2016
      Today's gonna be a good day.
      3 3
    3. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 25, 2016
      I was planning on going out but it's raining heavily :/ ffs.
      3 3
    4. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 24, 2016
      Savage Mode & Everybody's Looking been on repeat all day.
      4 4
      1. View previous comments...
      2. boyz n the suburbs
        boyz n the suburbs Jul 24, 2016
        Right now I'd say I enjoy Savage Mode a little more. Both are great though and will probably end up in my top ten list at the end of the year.
        3 3
      3. Thy
        Thy Jul 24, 2016
        rt i think 21 made the better tape but gucci is sold as well, can see some signs of him continuing gucci's legacy
      4. dkdnfbdjdkdddjdjfvcgfl
        dkdnfbdjdkdddjdjfvcgfl Jul 25, 2016
        o s--- same for me. Was listening to the Gucci album nonstop as of late til a few hours ago where i succumbed to the Savage Mode hype. finally gave the tape (& Savage) a try & wheeeeeewwww.. ridiculously goat. both projects are neck to neck for me rn.
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        boyz n the suburbs and Thy like this.
    5. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 22, 2016
      Just finished watching Menace II Society, Above The Rim and Deep Cover for the first time. Phenomenal movies.
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      1. Red Rum
        Red Rum Jul 22, 2016
        Have got ever seen dead presidents?
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        boyz n the suburbs likes this.
      2. boyz n the suburbs
        boyz n the suburbs Jul 22, 2016
        The 1995 movie? I haven't, though it's on my list to watch.
        2 2
        83837477 and Red Rum like this.
    6. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 21, 2016
      Listening to Finally Rich. I love this album.
      3 3
      83837477, Skippy and Gae4Swae like this.
      1. Soldier
        Soldier Jul 21, 2016
        It's a classic and what is so impressive about it is that Keef was only 17 years old at the time.
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        Skippy and boyz n the suburbs like this.
      2. boyz n the suburbs
        boyz n the suburbs Jul 21, 2016
        It's pretty inspiring hearing people so close to my age making such incredible music tbh.
        2 2
        83837477 and Skippy like this.
    7. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 20, 2016
      New banner every time I come back to the homepage. S80 changing the forum game today.
      1 1
      83837477 likes this.
    8. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 20, 2016
      Coffee and FutureSex/LoveSounds is a great way to start a day.
      2 2
      83837477 and Ordinary Joel like this.
    9. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 19, 2016
      Any forum that doesn't have r-----s like Trivio is a good forum tbh.
      1 1
      83837477 likes this.
    10. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 15, 2016
      Idlewild is underrated.
      3 3
    11. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 14, 2016
      God, what a s-----y day. Thankfully the worst part is over.
      1 1
      83837477 likes this.
    12. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 11, 2016
      Applied for another job. I'm hoping I get it.
      5 5
      1. shahidah
        shahidah Jul 11, 2016
        good luck <3
    13. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 10, 2016
      I identify as an admin, and this forum is oppressing me :emoji_slight_frown:
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    14. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 10, 2016
      People on this forum sleeping on Frank Sinatra. He only dropped classics.
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      2. boyz n the suburbs
        boyz n the suburbs Jul 10, 2016
        Listening to his Watertown album right now. This inspires me a lot. Essential af tbh.
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        83837477 and Ricky like this.
      3. Ricky
        Ricky Jul 10, 2016
        He had a lot of great albums, I don't even remember any song from "Watertown" besides of "For a while". "New York, New York" is my s---.
        1 1
        boyz n the suburbs likes this.
      4. Skippy
        Skippy Jul 10, 2016
        Frank a goat
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        boyz n the suburbs and Ricky like this.
    15. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 9, 2016
      Watched the first two episodes in season one of American Horror Story. This show is stupid but addicting somehow.
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      1. Giraffe
        Giraffe Jul 9, 2016
        It's great for the first two seasons then it falls off harder than Em and ends up like something Disney would make.
        1 1
        boyz n the suburbs likes this.
    16. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 9, 2016
      5 5
      83837477, Mike Tyson, Jehovah and 2 others like this.
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      2. Big Dangerous
        Big Dangerous Jul 9, 2016
        looks like its time to take this one out behind the barn boys
        0 0
      3. Lonny Breaux
        Lonny Breaux Jul 9, 2016
        Last active 9 mins ago what are you talking about still more active than the future sxn.
        1 1
      4. boyz n the suburbs
    17. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 6, 2016
      Forum game like the crack game, swear it's all the same hustle.
      4 4
    18. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 4, 2016
      I swear on my mom I will like this status. You swore you'd like this overused Youtube comment haha
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      mow and 83837477 like this.
      1. 83837477
        83837477 Jul 4, 2016
        1 1
        boyz n the suburbs likes this.
    19. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 4, 2016
      Introduced my girlfriend to Nas today. She loved Illmatic.
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      Ordinary Joel and 83837477 like this.
    20. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Jul 4, 2016
      Went to Tim Hortons to get breakfast and saw a car hit a cat that was just sitting in the road and had plenty of time to move :emoji_slight_frown: Wtf
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      2. Ordinary Joel
        Ordinary Joel Jul 4, 2016
        RIP Kitty Cat :mjcry:
      3. boyz n the suburbs
        boyz n the suburbs Jul 4, 2016
        @King V
        Technically it wasn't a "horrid way to start the morning" as I didn't go to bed. This happened around 4:40am. It was a bad thing to witness though. I love cats :emoji_slight_frown:
      4. Skippy
        Skippy Jul 4, 2016
        Usually they don't move out the way because they're not used to headlights approaching directly at them. You ever stopped for a deer or anything? Unless they're used to people they'll sit there for f---ing ever even if you're stopped too
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