Posts 1,276
Ratio 1:3.2

About Cruz

  • Nov 30, 2014

Most Posts - June

    1. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Dec 24, 2015
      Merry Christmas/Christmas eve :daps:
      3 3
      Ordinary Joel, Mike Tyson and Jordan like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. boyz n the suburbs
        boyz n the suburbs Dec 24, 2015
        Happy Kwanzaa :daps:
        3 3
        Ordinary Joel, Mike Tyson and Jordan like this.
      3. Jordan
        Jordan Dec 24, 2015
      4. Mike Tyson
        Mike Tyson Dec 24, 2015
        3 3
        Ordinary Joel, Nav Bhatia and Jordan like this.
    2. boyz n the suburbs
      boyz n the suburbs Dec 7, 2015
      Hello sir. I appreciate your contributions to this forum. May I interest you in a free corny joke? :emoji_relaxed:
      2 2
      Music and Ordinary Joel like this.
      1. Cruz
        Cruz Dec 7, 2015
        no, im banning you for 2 days for harassment.
        6 6
        Xaos, Ordinary Joel, Deadpool and 3 others like this.
      2. boyz n the suburbs
        boyz n the suburbs Dec 7, 2015
        2 2
        Jordan and Music like this.
    3. Cruz
      Cruz Dec 7, 2015
      How does Narsh have 23k posts on this forum?
      3 3
      1. Mano
        Mano Dec 7, 2015
        He posted 23k times
        6 6
        gorealsteady, Deadpool, Final and 3 others like this.
      2. Cruz
        Cruz Dec 7, 2015
        oh, i thought he smoke penises and it boosted his post count. thanks for the info.
        5 5
        Enigma, Deadpool, Mike Tyson and 2 others like this.
    4. Cruz
      Cruz Aug 29, 2015
      Days Before Rodeo > Rodeo
      1 1
      gorealsteady likes this.
    5. johnny waverock
      johnny waverock Mar 12, 2015
      Thanks again fam. Appreciate the love.
      0 0
      1. Cruz
        Cruz Mar 12, 2015
        no doubt, the music is dope.
        0 0
    6. johnny waverock
      johnny waverock Feb 12, 2015
      Just wanted to thank you for the short write-up you did about Dae Zhen for Korean Jazz. I didn't see it until today, but we appreciate the look. Thank you.
      1 1
      Cruz likes this.
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