Pablo Esco
Posts 207
Ratio >1:1

About Pablo Esco

  • Feb 12, 2016
  • Last Activity: Aug 24, 2016

Most Posts - June

    1. Pablo Esco
      Pablo Esco Aug 6, 2016
      Got a free Obama shot the other day and now my parents said I've been randomly doing the robot dance but I don't remember. WTF!!!! Help
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    2. Pablo Esco
      Pablo Esco Jul 29, 2016
      b---- I smell like money
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    3. Kon
      Kon Jun 6, 2016
      Good to see ya around on at least a (semi) regular basis lately man. :emoji_thumbsup:
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    4. Pablo Esco
      Pablo Esco Mar 27, 2016
      pulld over tonite 4 registration lite out. I had 3 beers and 2 shots of whiskey prior thought I was fcked. Breathalyzed and passed lol
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      1. Wallman17
        Wallman17 Mar 27, 2016
        You got lucky, quit while you are ahead. I've spent over 12,000 on dwi's
        1 1
        Pablo Esco likes this.
      2. Pablo Esco
        Pablo Esco Mar 27, 2016
        Yeah man never drinking n driving again. Idk how I passed. I'm thinking it's because I had all that alcphol in under 1 hr n left then was pulled over 20 mins later n the breathalyzer couldn't pik it all up yet
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      3. Pablo Esco
        Pablo Esco Mar 27, 2016
        I wasn't physically drunk n barely felt a buzz. Not gonna lie was scRed shitless lol also had a 6 pack to go in passengers seat n forgot to hide it b4 cop got to window n one of first things he said was grab a 6 pack while at the bar huh lol I thought well I am going to jail
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    5. Pablo Esco
      Pablo Esco Mar 25, 2016
      Sooo are people here going to ignore the fact that college grove is the best hip hop project of 2016 so far?
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    6. Pablo Esco
      Pablo Esco Feb 28, 2016
      playin' dirty not clean, stole and wrecked your limousine
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    7. RockstarX3000
      RockstarX3000 Feb 12, 2016
      Can you tell me about the life of you, Pablo? :emoji_wink: Welcome to the forum
      1 1
      Music likes this.
      1. Pablo Esco
        Pablo Esco Feb 12, 2016
        I sell drugs, have my goons beat up people that owe me money, and waiting on that Kanye leak. Thanks for writing on my profile bud! Hope to talk to you on the forum. Have a good weekend man
        2 2
        Music and RockstarX3000 like this.
      2. RockstarX3000
        RockstarX3000 Feb 12, 2016
        2 2
        Music and Pablo Esco like this.
      3. Pablo Esco
        Pablo Esco Feb 12, 2016
        Np bud, hmu anytime you want to
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        Music and RockstarX3000 like this.
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