The Un-American
Posts 37
Ratio >1:1

About The Un-American

  • Feb 16, 2011
  • Last Activity: Sep 9, 2020

Most Posts - June

    1. killwhitey
      killwhitey Aug 4, 2011
      When I was reading the part in It where that fat kid who smothered his little brother got killed by like the flying leeches or whatever they were, I was literally squirming in my seat s--- was so vivid and disturbing, Stephen King is a sick f--- and amazing author :emoji_thumbsup:
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    2. Billy Sexcrime
      Billy Sexcrime Jun 28, 2011
      check my vid, two new 3 min ones c-mming tonight.
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    3. 2face
      2face Apr 17, 2011
      Can u mix and master my album Download Your New Favorite from - send big files the easy way
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    4. IceCold
      IceCold Apr 11, 2011
      hey yo I actaully have some mor questions, you got a -mail /aim/msn to talk with? just msg me it privately if you do, i wont be able to message back unfortunately lol
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    5. IceCold
      IceCold Apr 11, 2011
      hey yo I actaully have some mor questions, you got a -mail /aim/msn to talk with? just msg me it privately if you do, i wont be able to message back unfortunately lol
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    6. IceCold
      IceCold Apr 10, 2011
      Aite yo, can you give me a list of some mics that are good for rapping. like a coupple so I can look around, and where do you reccomand buying it from? online/local sam ash's ect

      would pm you, but apprantly i dont have enough posts to pm lol.
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    7. Ayo
      Ayo Mar 13, 2011
      i have a se electronics 2200a edirol ua 25 and behringer 1202fx mixer, before my setup was my mic to my mixer and mixer to my soundcard but the shop advised me to put my mic straight in to my soundcard as it would be better, so thats what i done now!!! what u think??
      btw this is a reply to ur post in the microphone help thread
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    8. Ghost
    9. Ghost
      Ghost Feb 20, 2011
      Still waiting for my reps to reset, but you should deffo post more here man, you're pure comedy!
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