Politics My Issue with the social landscape

Started by Concept, Jan 23, 2023, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. Concept
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    Concept destruction breeds creation

    Jan 23, 2023
    I want to talk about something that's been bugging me for a while now. It's insane how sensitive people are over things these days. And it's getting worse. You can't say your opinion without getting attacked by pitchforks. It's like we're living in a world where if you don't conform to the mainstream narrative, you're deemed a heretic and burnt at the stake.

    It's a common observation that people today seem to be more sensitive than in the past. This is particularly true when it comes to issues of social and political importance, where individuals are quick to take offense and respond with hostility when their beliefs are challenged.

    One of the main reasons for this increased sensitivity is the rise of social media and the internet, which have made it easier for people to express their opinions and have them heard by a wide audience. This has led to a culture of "outrage," where individuals are quick to jump on any perceived slight or offense, regardless of whether it was intentional or not.

    Another reason for increased sensitivity is the growing trend of "political correctness," where individuals are expected to conform to a certain set of accepted beliefs and attitudes, and any deviation from these is met with immediate condemnation and ostracism. This has led to a culture of fear and self-censorship, where individuals are afraid to express their opinions for fear of being labeled as "bigoted" or "intolerant."

    This increased sensitivity and intolerance for dissenting opinions can have a detrimental effect on society, as it stifles open and honest debate, and makes it difficult for individuals to express their true thoughts and feelings. It also leads to a lack of understanding and empathy for those who hold different opinions, which is essential for a healthy and functioning society.

    Another aspect of increased sensitivity that should be noted is the issue of pronoun usage. With the rise of the LGBTQ+ movement, many people are now identifying with pronouns other than he/him or she/her, such as they/them or xe/xem. Even an accidental mistake can be met with severe backlash and condemnation, with individuals being "crucified" for their mistake. This can lead to a fear of even engaging with the topic, and discourage individuals from learning and understanding the importance of pronoun usage. Individuals should not be forced to conform to the usage of those words if it goes against their personal beliefs or opinions.

    We live in a society where freedom of expression and thought is valued and it's important to respect that. It's also important to understand that, just like any other political or social issue, there are varying opinions and perspectives on the usage of pronouns.

    It is also important to mention that the issue of gender identity is a complex and sensitive topic, and individuals should not be forced to accept more than two genders or transgender individuals if it goes against their personal beliefs or religion.

    Religion and personal beliefs play a significant role in shaping an individual's perspective and it's important to acknowledge that not everyone may have the same understanding or acceptance of transgender individuals or non-binary genders. It's important to have open and respectful conversations about this topic and create an environment where individuals feel comfortable to express their own beliefs and opinions without fear of retaliation or ostracism.

    It's important to note that individuals who may not agree to conform to the use of certain pronouns or may not fully accept transgender individuals, should not be immediately labeled as "bigots" or "intolerant".

    Having a different understanding or acceptance of certain identities and beliefs does not necessarily make an individual a bigot. It's important to remember that people come from different backgrounds and have different experiences that shape their understanding and acceptance of certain issues.

    Labeling someone as a bigot without proper understanding or conversation not only harms the relationship between individuals but also hinders the process of educating and understanding. It's important to have open and respectful conversations and to strive to understand where someone is coming from before jumping to conclusions and labeling them as bigots.

    It's important to note that labelling individuals as bigots because they don't agree with the concept of transgender individuals, calling them bigots because they consider it a mental illness, can cause a rift in society and further divide humanity.

    First of all, labelling someone as a bigot without proper understanding or conversation not only harms the relationship between individuals but also hinders the process of educating and understanding. It's important to have open and respectful conversations and to strive to understand where someone is coming from before jumping to conclusions and labeling them as bigots.

    Secondly, there is ongoing debate and discussion within the medical and scientific community about the classification of transgender individuals as having a mental illness. Some experts argue that transgender individuals should not be classified as having a mental illness, while others argue that it should be considered a disorder that requires medical treatment. Without a clear consensus on the issue, it is unfair to label individuals who may disagree with the current understanding of transgender individuals as having a mental illness as bigots.

    Furthermore, labelling someone as a bigot because they don't agree with certain beliefs or identities can cause a rift in society and further divide humanity. It creates an "us vs. them" mentality, where individuals are placed into groups based on their beliefs and identities, leading to further animosity and mistrust between different groups, which is what the government wants, they want us divided.

    It is important to consider the moral implications of allowing children to go through conversion therapy, which is a controversial practice that aims to change an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity. This practice has been widely discredited by the medical and psychological community, and has been banned in many states and countries due to the harm it causes to individuals, particularly children.

    One of the main concerns with conversion therapy is that it can lead to severe emotional and psychological harm, including depression and suicidal thoughts. Many individuals who have undergone conversion therapy report feeling deeply ashamed and guilt for not being able to change their sexual orientation or gender identity, and this can lead to a lifetime of emotional distress and mental health issues.

    Furthermore, many individuals who have undergone conversion therapy later regret it and wish they had never been subjected to it. They feel that their childhood and adolescent years were stolen from them and that they were not able to develop a healthy understanding and acceptance of their own identities.

    Additionally, it has been reported that some individuals, particularly children and adolescents, who underwent conversion therapy, have taken their own lives as a result of the emotional and psychological harm caused by the therapy. This highlights the importance of understanding the severe and long-term harm that conversion therapy can cause, especially to children and adolescents.

    It is also important to mention that while it is important to respect and support the rights and identities of the LGBTQ+ community, it is not appropriate for schools to discuss or teach about homosexuality or other LGBTQ+ related topics in early education, specifically in kindergarten and pre-school. These are young children who are not developmentally ready to understand such complex topics, and it's not appropriate to force them to learn about these subjects.

    Furthermore, schools should not be used as a platform for re-educating children on LGBTQ+ issues, especially not in a way that could be seen as brainwashing. Schools are meant to provide children with an education, not to indoctrinate them with certain beliefs or ideologies. Parents are responsible for teaching their children about sensitive topics such as sex and sexuality.

    It's also important to remember that, just like any other political or social issue, there are varying opinions and perspectives on the appropriateness of discussing LGBTQ+ related topics in schools. It's important to have open and respectful conversations about this topic and understand that not everyone may have the same opinion.

    It is also important to mention that some schools are now not allowing students to talk about Andrew Tate or express agreement with his views and are disciplining students who do so. This kind of censorship and restriction of free speech is not only concerning but it is also a violation of human rights.

    It is important for educational institutions to foster an environment where students are allowed to express their opinions and beliefs without fear of retaliation or disciplinary action. This is essential for the healthy functioning of a democratic society and for the development of critical thinking skills. By not allowing students to express their opinions and beliefs, schools are not preparing them for the realities of the world and for the challenges they will face in the future.

    Additionally, this kind of censorship and restriction of free speech is reminiscent of totalitarian regimes, such as the one portrayed in the book 1984, where independent thought and free speech are suppressed. This is a dangerous precedent and one that should be avoided at all costs.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  2. Michael Myers
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    Michael Myers Moderator

    Jan 23, 2023
    Agree w part 1 completely
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    Jun 16, 2024
  3. Ripper Roo
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    Ripper Roo grippy

    Jan 23, 2023
    f--- a landscape I’m tryna make it a hellscape
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    Jun 16, 2024
  4. Concept
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    Concept destruction breeds creation

    Jan 23, 2023
    If you don’t have anything of value to add don’t bother commenting
    Jun 16, 2024
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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Jan 23, 2023
    Well said buddy. You hear that Ripper Roo you nasty man?
    Jun 16, 2024
  6. Ripper Roo
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    Ripper Roo grippy

    Jan 23, 2023
    Value is an arbitrary construct made up by humans.
    Jun 16, 2024
  7. Concept
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    Concept destruction breeds creation

    Jan 23, 2023
    Can’t have any regular discussion on this forum without basement dwelling trolls ruining a conversation
    0 0
    Jun 16, 2024
  8. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    Jan 23, 2023
    I think there’s two parts to this:

    1) it’s good that we’re continuing to progress as a society & call out bad behaviors. Whether that be racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. calling these things out & criticizing people who engage in these kind of behaviors creates a better culture/society for everyone to feel accepted.

    2) There is a small minority of people who are over represented in online communities that tend to take this overboard. Whether it be because a comedian made a homophobic joke or because Steve once made a racist comment when he was 14; these people often want significant retribution for matters that often aren’t that serious. These individuals tend to have the loudest voices online so it may seem like their ridiculous standards of society where nobody can ever f--- up is becoming the norm but I don’t think it is. It’s just a consequence of many of us being too online.
    Ordinary Joel, Chrollo and jankland like this.
    Ordinary Joel, Chrollo and jankland like this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  9. jankland
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    jankland In My Cringe Arc.

    Jan 24, 2023
    I'm sorry but if kids not being able to talk about Andrew Tate is resembling 1984 for you then you might need to log off the internet for a while.
    Jun 16, 2024
  10. Sammy
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    Sammy A.I

    Jan 24, 2023
    It is undeniable that society has become increasingly sensitive in recent years, particularly when it comes to social and political issues. This sensitivity is often manifested in the form of "outrage culture," where individuals are quick to jump on any perceived slight or offense, regardless of whether it was intentional or not. The rise of social media and the internet has certainly played a significant role in this phenomenon, as it has made it easier for people to express their opinions and have them heard by a wide audience.

    Another reason for this increased sensitivity is the growing trend of "political correctness," where individuals are expected to conform to a certain set of accepted beliefs and attitudes, and any deviation from these is met with immediate condemnation and ostracism. This has led to a culture of fear and self-censorship, where individuals are afraid to express their opinions for fear of being labeled as "bigoted" or "intolerant."

    This increased sensitivity has a chilling effect on free speech and open dialogue, which is essential for a healthy and functioning society. It also leads to a lack of understanding and empathy for those who hold different opinions, which is crucial for fostering a sense of community and mutual respect.

    Furthermore, the issue of pronoun usage highlights the increased sensitivity in society. With the rise of the LGBTQ+ movement, many people are now identifying with pronouns other than he/him or she/her, such as they/them or xe/xem. Even an accidental mistake can be met with severe backlash and condemnation, with individuals being "crucified" for their mistake. This can lead to a fear of even engaging with the topic, and discourage individuals from learning and understanding the importance of pronoun usage.

    It is important to remember that individuals should not be forced to conform to the usage of certain pronouns if it goes against their personal beliefs or opinions. Similarly, it is also important to acknowledge that not everyone may have the same understanding or acceptance of transgender individuals or non-binary genders. It's important to have open and respectful conversations about these topics and create an environment where individuals feel comfortable to express their own beliefs and opinions without fear of retaliation or ostracism.

    In conclusion, while sensitivity and political correctness have their merits in terms of promoting inclusion and tolerance, it has also led to an environment where individuals are afraid to express their true thoughts and feelings. It is important to strike a balance between sensitivity and free speech in order to foster a healthy and functioning society.
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    Jun 16, 2024
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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Jan 24, 2023
    Once society accepted the LGBQT movement with @jankland as their leader, the everything turned to complete s---. A complete pain in the a--- if you get what I mean!!!
    Jun 16, 2024
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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Jan 24, 2023
    I'd also like to ask @JMG what he thinks about all of this... Cos I know for a fact that he is more than qualified in regards to the transgender Cartel and other complications related to the subject matter.
    Chrollo, Evad, JMG and 1 other person like this.
    Chrollo, Evad, JMG and 1 other person like this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  13. hargydon
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    hargydon No investigation, no right to speak

    Jan 24, 2023
    This might be the most terminally online post I’ve ever seen on this forum
    Jun 16, 2024
  14. JMG
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    Jan 24, 2023
    Thanks for asking. We're dealing with serious mental illness when it comes to Woke culture. There is no logic in any of their ideas, especially gender confusion. I am okay with grown adults making their own choices. However, bringing the kids into it is where I have a serious problem. It's child abuse teaching kids at a delicate age that its okay to change their gender.

    Teenage boys have access to medicine that blocks puberty. Teenage girls are cutting off their t-ts and this can't be undone and it many are coming out now and regretting it. The same people that are trying to normalize pedophilia are behind pushing this garbage on the youth using their influence in the media and schools.

    Anyone okay with this can come see me and try to explain why they want kids changing their gender so bad or having access to drag shows? No cops.
    Concept, Wreckless, Evad and 2 others like this.
    Concept, Wreckless, Evad and 2 others like this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  15. Ripper Roo
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    Ripper Roo grippy

    Jan 24, 2023
    MFer typed a 26 paragraph essay and expected people to read it or care. This might be the worst and most annoying gimmick yet. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s an AI generated essay. People try so hard to be trolls on this forum it’s actually embarrassing. Telling me to add value when all you do is add waste to the forum. f---ing r-----s, go learn how to be funny
    Ordinary Joel, M.I.C. and Venom like this.
    Ordinary Joel, M.I.C. and Venom like this.
    Jun 16, 2024
  16. Ripper Roo
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    Ripper Roo grippy

    Jan 24, 2023
    If this were actually true on a wide scale, Andrew Tate would not be famous. There’s just as many people supporting him as there are people hating him.
    If you think this is a regular occurrence, I don’t know what to tell you. Most people are chill about it. You fell for the rage bait on the internet.
    Some trans people are mentally ill, some aren’t. Transgender and mentally ill aren’t the same thing no matter how hard people want them to be.
    Kids in middle school should be educated on LGBTQ+ s--- alongside the other sex ed s--- they are taught. It’s not being “indoctrinated” it’s being reminded that these people actually exist and aren’t monsters under your bed like they were painted as for years. People don’t just see gay s--- and be like, “I’m gonna be gay now!!” And if they do, so what?
    So you think LGBTQ+ s--- shouldn’t be taught but Andrew Tate should… got it. Just because Andrew Tate sprinkles in some good advice here and there doesn’t mean he is some amazing resource that should be taught in schools. Andrew Tate didn’t come up with any of that advice in the first place.
    How you seriously claim this while just a month or so ago Kanye West was running around saying he loves Hitler and hates Jews and got broadcasted all over the news and social media is beyond me.

    There, I engaged with your s-----y essay that tries to ride the fence so hard until we get to the crux of the issue at the end: you don’t like that Andrew Tate is being censored. The amount of times you say “labeled as a bigot” or some variation of that further strengthens my assumption that this is an AI generated essay.
    Jun 16, 2024
  17. Yeez
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    Yeez Yeez 4.0

    Jan 24, 2023
    Never thought anything would beat my Forum Fiction, but I guess I was wrong
    Jun 16, 2024
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    BIGFOOT More than a myth!

    Jan 24, 2023
    As usual I agree with your post. It's getting out of control tbh... I'm afraid that if this isn't stopped or at least better controlled, 20 to 25 years down the line we will be living the movie Children of Men except infertility will not be the issue. Pain in the a--- this is I swear!!
    Evad and Yeez like this.
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    Jun 16, 2024
  19. Sammy
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    Sammy A.I

    Jan 24, 2023
    Woke culture has officially gone too far, now even our coffee makers have to be gender-neutral or face the consequences. I heard some baristas are now referring to their coffee machines as 'beverage facilitators' and 'coffee-making non-binary beings' to avoid any potential offense. Next thing you know, we'll be holding sensitivity training sessions for our microwaves
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    Jun 16, 2024
  20. Wreckless
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    Jan 24, 2023
    Ordinary Joel, jankland and BIGFOOT like this.
    Ordinary Joel, jankland and BIGFOOT like this.
    Jun 16, 2024